I spent the weekend at the InD’Tale Magazine, InD’Scribe Reader-Writer Conference in Palm Springs, California. Let me start by saying that I had a blast and learned so much! The cherry on the top of the cake, though, was the opportunity to meet SO many fantastic authors.
If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you saw a few of the pictures I took over the course of the conference. Thursday we started the event and had a great time getting to know each other. We did a mini-writing afternoon, huddled around a table pool-side, writing, editing or outlining with occasional breaks to ask each other brainstorming questions. How great was that!
Friday began the official conference and there were both book signings and presentations. I managed to attend two of the presentations.
The facility: Renaissance Hotel and Conference Center. It’s not a huge facility so the conference felt intimate and very comfortable. Amenities included a pool, spa, gymnasium, and enough meeting rooms and ballrooms to accommodate all of our needs. Hotel staff were pleasant and extremely helpful. The hotel even had a shuttle that will take the resident to historic downtown Palm Springs so the guest (you!) can park your car and enjoy your weekend.
This was my very first writer’s conference and I’m so happy I chose to attend this one. But, you may be thinking, why attend what’s primarily a Romance conference when you don’t write romance? For one reason, I came with my friend, D’Elen McClain, WickedStoryTelling.com. We live in the same town and drove to the conference together. She introduced me to a lot of authors and showed me the “ropes”. Additionally, romance authors are smart, savvy business people. I wanted to “up” my game, so who better to talk to and learn from than the authors at this gathering.
The last night, Saturday, of the conference held the RONE awards. Some of my favorite friends, new and old, were listed in the winners and honorable mentions: Susan Griscom, Marsha Ward, and Donna Michaels. Wow. I was so impressed at how close the competitions were.
The pictures are from the conference. I apologize for the late posting. I’m so tired but happy. I hope to see you at my next event. I’m signing in Gloversville, NY at the Mohawk Valley Cooperative on Main Street, on October 10th from 9am to Noon. I hope to see you there. Bring one of my books or buy it there and I’ll be happy to sign it.
Author Friend Boost! Susan Griscom. Her newest book, A Gypsy’s Kiss, is the first in an eight book series, The Sectorium. Here’s a description.
Breena Cassidy
Cursed with what could be one of the worst supernatural abilities imaginable, Breena has never had the luxury of falling in love. Hell, she’s never even held a guy’s hand. At only twenty-two years old, she’s just about given up on the whole love thing. After all, when you can see twelve hours of someone’s future by a simple touch, and they, in turn, can see what you see, well… relationships are sort of out of the question. Her gigs performing psychic readings at parties, and the occasional one-on-one private appointment are just about Breena’s only connection with people. No matter how much she might wish otherwise.
Hawk Covington
Hawk’s hard body and skill have earned him a starting position on the Pioneer’s college hockey team. But it’s not his talent with a hockey stick that’s the most remarkable. His gorgeous two-colored eyes not only draw the attention of every female on campus, they also allow him to track people and objects. But when he suddenly finds himself stalked by a stranger, he seeks out the help of the rumored, “campus gypsy” for help.
Despite his vow to stay single and play as many college women as he can while the fun lasts, Hawk can’t ignore his attraction to the lovely and spirited Breena. And she can’t get the hunky star hockey player out of her mind once a single touch of his hand reveals something utterly strange. Surrounded by mystery, they realize that fate has brought them together for a reason, but can they stay alive long enough to recognize the depth of their feelings for one another?
You can find more at: http://www.susangriscom.com/
Writing progress. On Thursday of the conference I managed a chapter on Mystery in the Woods. I also did more outlining on my November National Novel Writing Month (NaNo) project. I haven’t titled the story yet but it’s going to be a Zoe Ohale story. I’ve written two short Zoe stories. One will be published on my web site as a free flash. The other one is in the Forward Motion anthology for this year. It will be released in October or November. I’ll keep you posted.
Now that I’m back from the conference, it’s time to get ready for October. I haven’t finished writing the Friday Flash stories for October. It’s a lot of writing and I’ve decided to write all horror/Halloween type stories for October. I already have six title prompts to work from. I only have a few days to get this done. I also must get my October Chicklets in the Kitchen post written. I have the pictures done. It’s just a matter of writing it up and getting it posted. On Thursday I’m on tap to attend the Strawberry Author’s group meeting and teach them a little about CreateSpace. If you’re an author and would like to learn more about self-publishing, please stop by.
I’m totally up on conniesrandomthoughts.com. I’ve put a notice up on my WordPress blog so my readers can find me. Be sure to follow me at my new website. I stopped posting to the WordPress site (www.conniesrandomthoughts.wordpress.com) after Friday August 7th.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
I put a special offer up in my July newsletter. Did you miss it? Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I make special offers to my newsletter people that I do not make on the website blogs. If you like the content, please encourage your friends to sign up, too. Don’t delay. The September newsletter is coming out soon. Sign up now so you don’t miss out.
Mystery at the Fair released July 15th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today! You can also see all of my books on www.ConniesRandomThoughts.com, Books tab. If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.