Author Interviews: Lazette Gifford

Lazette's cat, Zaphod!

Lazette’s cat, Zaphod!

Have you been enjoying these author interviews as much as I have? I’m excited to introduce the owner of the author website and watering hole, Forward Motion, Lazette Gifford. I consider Lazette a mentor of mine so I’m very honored to have her on my author interviews post. Let’s get started.

Lazette Gifford is a prolific author, photographer, and sometimes cover artist who lives in the wilds of Nebraska with her husband, several cats and a small but entirely useless dog.  She writes every day and has done so for decades, and soon will be working on her 100th novel.

After several years in the small press publishing world, Zette has moved to the exciting life of an Indie published author, with several novels and short stories released and often well-reviewed.  You can find links to her work on her personal website at:

Lazette's Newest Book: Raventower

Lazette’s Newest Book: Raventower

Let’s start with something fun. What’s your favorite hobby?

I assume we are talking about outside of writing,  because, no matter how hard I work at it, I refuse to let writing become just another job.  Jobs get to be dull, life-sucking ‘I must do this’ stuff, and even though I write every day and have (seriously) for decades, I do so because I love writing.

My main hobbies, though,  are photography and dabbling in digital art.  Photography draws a person to look at the world around them and to take notice of things both big and small.  This is a good exercise for writers.  It’s amazing how many things you miss in a glance or a quick snapshot and then notice later.  I once took a great picture of some geese on an icy pond, and it wasn’t until I looked at the picture, later, on my computer, that I noticed the two bald eagles sitting a few feet away from them.  We focus on one part of the picture and sometimes don’t see the whole, and that’s and important aspect for writers to consider.

If you had the opportunity—who would you like to spend an afternoon with and why?

I am not so much a people-person to be honest.  I like going to conventions now and then, but I like my time alone.  So — not so much who, but where and when would work for me.  I love history and there are several ancient societies I would love to see for an afternoon, knowing I wasn’t going to be trapped there.  The Assyrians, Minoans, Etruscans . . . many of the ones we only get little glimpses of and cannot really see the whole.  That would fascinate me.  So maybe I should say spending a few hours with someone from those times, who would show me what it was like.

Coffee, tea, soda or something else?

I am a tea person.  One wall of my office has shelves with over 100 types of tea and lots of cups and teapots.  I love the variety of teas — and tisanes, which are steeped drinks made with other than actual tea leaves.  Peppermint tea, which is usually just peppermint leaves is a tisane.  So are the rooibos teas, flower-based teas, etc.  The ability to have some many different flavors is fun.  The idea of drinking the same thing all the time sounds boring!

What are you working on right now?

I always start writing a new novel on the first day of January.  This year the manuscript is Raventower, my first steampunk/clockwork novel.  The book is going very well and I should have the first draft done by mid-February.  Having a really good outline has helped this story flow and allowed me to concentrate on the finer points and explore some of the side issues without losing track of the story.

This is also my 99th novel.  It is wonderful to have something so exciting to work on for this one and to realize that inspiration really doesn’t run out if you are open to it.  I also have the outline for my 100th novel which I intend to start in early March and that one is a novel I’ve been considering for several years.  I’m looking forward to getting to work on it!

How would you describe your writing style?

Persistent.  Eclectic.  Still evolving.  I don’t believe writers should ever assume that they’ve learned all they need to learn, so I’m constantly looking at material about writing and that affects how and what I create.  I like to try new genres and subgenres.  I still love writing my stories as much as I did when I wrote my first novel.

Do you have any advice for a person just beginning their writing career?

Other than the usual sit down and write?  Stop expecting the first things you write to be perfect.  Writing is an art like any other and it takes practice, and that means you have to write a great deal before you get good at your craft.  You have to complete the stories you have begun and work all the way to the end.  A few false starts are expected, but if you continually stop as soon as you hit a problem, you’ll never learn how to get past difficulties and finish your work.  I have a rule that I must finish everything I start.  I’m very careful about what I begin and if I hit a problem, I work my way through it.  We all have limited writing time.  Don’t continue to waste it on pretty new ideas that you’re just going to toss aside.

The good news is that those first, flawed stories are not ruined.  You can always rewrite them and create better stories as you improve your style.  Hold on to them.  Even if you don’t rewrite them, they become good, solid markers against which you can compare your later writing.  Anyone who makes a true effort at improvement will be surprised if they compare work from a year in the past.

Also, remember that you are not in any kind of contest with other writers.  You are unique and you work at your own pace and write your own stories.  Does your idea sound like work by another person?  That happens to everyone.  Don’t worry about it.  The idea is not the story and how you write it will be something completely different from another writer’s take on the same basic pieces.

Do you immerse yourself in new situations for writing ideas or do your ideas come to you through your normal, day-to-day life?

I read a great deal of history and that is where most of my ideas come from, though I do not write historical fiction.  A seven volume history of World War I was the basis for my science fiction novel Vita’s Vengeance.  A wonderful little biography about Disraeli inspired the Silky Trilogy, a fantasy series.  I can trace many of my pieces back to some specific little bit of history.

Sometimes going away from the house and seeing things will spark an idea. For instance, there is a wonderful little town in southeastern Nebraska that became the basis for my humorous mystery, Muse.  Mostly I think it is better if writers seek inspiration in mundane things like books and not be tied to the idea that they can’t write if they can’t experience something new.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go someplace for research if you are able, but don’t make that the only way you can get the work done.

Where can we find you on the interwebs?

Web Site:

Twitter (rarely):


Joyously Prolific Blog:

Thank you so much, Lazette, for stopping by and sharing your new story and a little bit about yourself. We all appreciate it!

If you are interested in Lazette’s work, please stop by her website where she has her books for sale. I think you’ll like them!


Fast Ride: Monday Blog Post

Kindred Spirits Ad

Did you read that last week I released Kindred Spirits? I’ve created a video of all of the meme cards and quotes I’ve made and put it on YouTube. Here’s the link. Please share it with all of your friends, family, and significant others. Note that the cards have links on them. Not clickable, unfortunately, an  issue with jpeg files, but I encourage you to check out the links. Every link discusses something in the book. I hope you find the information both informative and fun. The book is up on all of my ebook and paperback sales sites, see the last paragraph below for links.

I started a giveaway on Amazon that ended yesterday, March 20th. I had 10 First Encounter ebooks to give away. Did you get one? I hope so. If not, I have a couple of free books up for grabs if you sign up for my newsletter. See below for more on how to do that.

This is Author Interview week and Lazette Gifford ( will be my guest. Lazette writes SciFi and Fantasy among other things. Have you found a new to you author that you’re checking out? Lazette may be one! The post pops up on Wednesday.

Peach Blossoms

Peach Blossoms

The tomato seedlings I talked about last week are still all doing well. I notice the plum tomatoes are growing faster than the cherries. Not a bad thing at all but just interesting to note. The mid-season daffodils are up as the miniatures are fading out. My pear trees are in full bloom as the nectarine and peach are dying out. The apple trees are just starting to blossom. I’m crossing my fingers that we do not get a hard frost or snow any more this year. If we do, I’ll lose all of the fruit. The parsley I transplanted to a different bed has died. I feel a little bad, it would have been nice to harvest it sooner than I could get from seed but it’s not a disaster. I have lots of seed I collected from last year’s second-year parsley and failing that, I can get plants at the nursery.

The Luck O’ The Authors giveaway is closed. We’re compiling all of the winners and should be contacting them along about Wednesday or Thursday. Hundreds of people participated, it’s a lot to sort out. Thank you so much for participating. If you missed out, don’t worry, we have a Spring giveaway coming up. I’ll keep you posted.

Did you pop over to Cover Wars on to vote for my cover? The contest ended Saturday. I did not win but many thanks to those who stopped by that website to vote.

I’m continuing to work on Mystery in the Woods. I know, I’ve been saying that every week but really, I am. I made a big break through this week writing over 10,000 words and getting down to my last four scene cards. What do I mean by that? I plot my story out by using scene cards. A 3X5 card that I write a sentence on with who will be in the scene, where the scene is, what the conflict is and what the twist to the story is. Anyway, I’m getting to the end of the story, and the last four cards don’t match what’s going on at this point at all. So I tossed them and wrote out six different cards which take me to the end and ties up the loose ends. Ha! Now I know who did it and what happens. I’m pretty pleased and should be able to have the draft done by this time next week. Yay!

I printed out Zoe Ohale and have it ready for me to begin my first pass through edits. I always do the first pass on paper. The difference between looking at the story on the computer screen and on paper is huge and I spot a lot of things I miss when I’m looking at it for the millionth time electronically. Zoe is a long book for me, longer than I’ve done before, over 70,000. I think you’ll like it!

Where will I be? Here’s the scoop.

April 11th at 3pm Arizona time I’ll be on the January Jones Sharing Success Stories web talk radio show. Have you heard me there? Don’t miss out.

April 16th I’ll be at the Tempe Public Library book festival where I’m on a panel talking about Science Fiction and World Building. I’m looking forward to meeting you there.

June 2nd and 3rd I’m at the Scottsdale MysteryCon, Death and Deception in the Desert. I’m giving a presentation there as well on writing a mystery.  Tickets for both days are only $35. I do hope you can make it to that one.  Here’s a flyer telling all about it.

July 23rd is the Payson Book Festival. I’ll be at my table all day, ready to talk to YOU! I hope you can make it as we will have over 70 authors attending as well as music, food, author presentations and workshops. It will be stupendous!

Want more details about these events? Click here for more information.

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. If you are a Brown Rain series fan, I’ve created a list just for you! If you join my regular newsletter, that’s all right too as I’ve put sign-up prizes on both. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. My next newsletter is being drafted so sign up today. The YouTube video I just made about Kindred Spirits will be in the newsletter. Just a note. I’m going to be sending out newsletters more frequently. Be prepared for fun and contests!

Kindred Spirits released on March 14th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Gumroads  or Chatebooks today! You can also see all of my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.

Kindred Spirits Release Day: Monday Blog Post

Draft front cover: Kindred Spirits

Draft front cover: Kindred Spirits

Hoo! I’m releasing the third book in my Brown Rain series, Kindred Spirits, today. I mentioned last week that I’m doing something different this time. Usually I put the book up for sale, mention it once or twice and call it a day. This time I’m really get some excitement going. I’m actually promoting the release. I’ve made up little meme cards and posted every day. I’ve started a giveaway. More about that below. I’ve created a video of all of the meme cards and quotes I’ve made and put it on YouTube. Here’s the link. Please share it with all of your friends, family and significant others. Note that the cards have links on them. Not clickable, unfortunately an  issue with jpeg files, but I encourage you to check out the links. Every link discusses something in the book. I hope you find the information both informative and fun. The book is up on Amazon, paperback and Kindle, and Smashwords and GumRoad for the other ebook formats. Soon it will be out on the other ebook sites and up on chatebooks as well.

So what’s this about a giveaway? I’ve started a giveaway on Amazon that ends March 20th. I have 10 First Encounter ebooks to give away. You could win one! You’ll have to follow my Twitter account but that’s all it takes! Click on this link to enter.

Last week was Author Interview week and Terra Luft ( was my guest. What do you think about the author interviews? Have you found a new-to-you author that you’re checking out?

A friend of mine just gave me some tomato transplants. She always starts way more than she needs. She gave me six plum tomatoes and six unspecified cherry tomato seedlings. About for more of each than I need. I’ll give those away. I will, however, still grow or obtain Sungold cherry tomato plants and some Early Girls. Both of those varieties grow really well for me here in central Arizona. And we LOVE the sungolds. There’s no way I’m going to have tomatoes and not sungolds.

Have you entered the Luck O’ The Authors giveaway? This is going to end at midnight St. Patrick’s Day, just 3 days away. That means a lot fewer contestants over some of the longer giveaways. Go to to enter the Rafflecopter. Even if you’ve signed up for all of the authors, there are daily ways to win. Check it out!

Another fun thing I found a few weeks ago is called Cover Wars over on I submitted my book cover for Mystery at the Fair even though I knew I was going to revise it. Anyway, here’s the fun part. You can go to the site, vote for my cover or someone else’s every day through Saturday. You get to see some new to you authors and I get a little free publicity for my book. It’s a big win all the way around. Stop by to vote and/or share this page so that all your friends can vote. You don’t even have to sign up for anything. Just scroll down the page past the covers and vote for me or someone else daily through Saturday.

Speaking of covers and Mystery at the Fair. I’ve been thinking about redoing the cover before Mystery in the Woods comes out. A friend of mine had some time and designed me the best cover ever, and one for Mystery in the Woods! It is so awesome! Can you tell I’m excited about it?  Here it is. What do you think?

Mystery at the Fair New Cover2

I’m continuing to work on Mystery in the Woods. There are only a few more scenes before I finish the first draft. To be honest, I still don’t know who did it. I’m also now writing non-fiction hiking stories for my local paper. Hubby does most of the photography. A friend of mine told me he ran into some hikers on a trail I wrote about a few weeks ago and they were there because of the story in the paper. How cool is that! April is Camp NaNo and I’m plotting out my next mystery book, Mystery at the Book Festival. It takes place the summer following Mystery in the Woods and poor Jean Hays is starting to look like the murder whisperer. In the mean time my novel Zoe Ohale is up for rewrites and edits, then after that, my still not really titled book, All about Bob. I’d like to get both of those out this year!

Where will I be? Here’s the scoop.

April 11th at 3pm Arizona time I’ll be on the January Jones Sharing Success Stories web talk radio show. Have you heard me there? Don’t miss out.

April 16th I’ll be at the Tempe Public Library book festival where I’m on a panel talking about Science Fiction and World Building. I’m looking forward to meeting you there.

June 2nd and 3rd I’m at the Scottsdale MysteryCon, Death and Deception in the Desert. I’m giving a presentation there as well on writing a mystery.  Tickets for both days are only $35. I do hope you can make it to that one.  Here’s a flyer telling all about it.

Mystery Con Flyer

July 23rd is the Payson Book Festival. I’ll be at my table all day, ready to talk to YOU! I hope you can make it as we will have over 70 authors attending as well as music, food, author presentations and workshops. It will be stupendous!

Want more details about these events? Click here for more information.

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. If you are a Brown Rain series fan, I’ve created a list just for you! If you join my regular newsletter, that’s all right too as I’ve put sign-up prizes on both. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. My next newsletter is being drafted so sign up today. The YouTube video I just made about Kindred Spirits will be in the newsletter. Just a note. I’m going to be sending out newsletters more frequently. Be prepared for fun and contests!

Kindred Spirits released today! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Gumroads  or Chatebooks today! You can also see all of my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.

Letters Home: Flash Fiction Friday

“Time to eat, Marie.”

“Be right there.” I hit the record button. “I just want to tell you how much I love you and miss you, Vera. I know your Aunt Lucy is taking good care of you. Your mom, out.” I hit the stop button and lightly stroked the data cube with the picture of my daughter. With a sigh, I got up and went into the ship’s small dining space.

“Sorry,” I slid into the chair. I was the last one at the table.

“You know she’s grown, dead and gone, right?”

I stared at Burt Aston, navigator for our research vessel, The Albatross. “I know, Burt. Telling me every meal isn’t helpful.” The man was on my last nerve. What was it to him if I wanted to send messages to my long dead daughter? To me, it had only been two years. I saw her as a smiling ten-year-old, hair in pigtails and knees skinned. I clenched my teeth together and turned to the Captain, John Marsh. The ship’s pilot, John was the picture of the laconic, southern pilot from the twentieth century.

John raised an eyebrow at Burt but gave me a tiny nod of understanding. I was good. I wouldn’t try to kill Burt today, at any rate. Arabella brought the food to the table. As our biologist, Arabella had set up a hydroponics garden in half of a storage bay. The casserole smelled wonderful and my mouth began to water as my stomach growled.

Wendy Fernald, astrophysicist and her husband Roy, leaned forward to enjoy the aroma. “I think you’ve outdone yourself again, Ary.” Roy grinned at her as she sat down. Plates and spoons were already on the table. John nodded to Ary and picked up the serving spoon. With the precision of an engineer, John scooped the casserole in six identically sized servings onto the six plates. Burt eyed everyone else’s food.

I had to bite my tongue. We were all hungry. His overt checking of portion sizes ticked me off. “Wendy, have you found anything today?” John sipped some water then took a tiny bite of food.

That was the way to do it. Eat slowly, give your stomach a chance to feel full. Not the way Burt shoveled it in. Then he sat, watching every bite each of us took. I took a breath and sipped some water. I needed to calm down and enjoy my only meal of the day. Stressing over Burt Aston wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

“Burt and I have been studying the debris field. We can see the eddies where some debris is sucked into our black hole neighbor faster than in other spots. The Albatross seems to be in a dead spot. We’re not drifting into the hole but we still can’t seem to get out, either. If I had to guess, I’d say a tiny bit of anti-matter is holding us.”

The Captain nodded. How about you, Roy, any good samples today?” He took another tiny bite of food.

Roy wiped his mouth with his napkin and nodded. “Sucked in some manganese, phosphorous and the usual amount of iron. I gave the first two to Arabella for the hydroponics. I’m storing the iron for future use.”

“What future use?” Burt snarled. He threw his napkin on his plate. Arabella can keep on stretching our rations with the Swiss Chard and tomatoes, you can keep on storing iron but we’re stuck here and never getting out. We should face facts. All of this studying and planting is getting us nowhere. We’ve been here a year and food is running out. We’re going to die here.”

Arabella cocked an eyebrow. “Well. Aren’t you Mister Rainbows and Unicorns today?” She stared over the rim of her water glass at him.

The two of them had been sniping at each other for the last month. They’d been lovers up until then but my personal opinion was that she was as sick of his attitude as I was.

“Let’s keep it civil, everyone,” John said in a low voice. “We keep looking for a way out.” He looked around the table, catching each person’s eye. “We stay busy. We use what we find, find new uses for old stuff and keep doing our best to save ourselves.” He looked at Arabella. “Nice dinner. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Ary picked up her fork and stared at Burt as she deliberately ate a tiny bit of food.

“Marie? Anything?”

I brought my attention back to John. “I’ve been giving a lot of thought to Wendy’s eddies. If we think of those eddies like currents in the ocean, maybe we can push the ship into one that’s heading away from the black hole.”

“We’ve tried moving the ship before, Marie.” Burt slapped his hand on the table. “All we did was stir up the debris field.”

“Maybe. That was a year ago before we knew about the eddies.”

“We don’t know what’s holding us in place.” The Captain leaned forward. “You have a plan?”

“I think we can deploy one of the shuttles on an arm, look around and see what’s actually around the ship. Then develop a plan to release ourselves.”

John nodded. “I like it. First thing in the morning.”

The Captain insisted on sitting in the shuttle’s pilot seat while Wendy and I were glued to the window and the monitors. Wendy pointed to the shuttle’s right. “That’s a black hole, right there.” I pointed at the monitors. “See the waves? Electro-magnetic.” I grinned.

“What?” John said.

“We make the ship the opposite magnetic charge. We’ll get shoved out of here so fast we won’t know what happened.”

John and Wendy started laughing. Tears ran down our faces. We were going home.


Thank You!

966 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:

Dinner with the Boss: Friday Flash Fiction Story

Dinner with the Boss

Dinner with the Boss

Morgan sprayed the counter dividing the kitchen from the dining room with disinfectant, wiping it with a new towel, just removed from its sterile wrapper.

“I don’t know why you invited them,” his wife, Ellen, snapped as she drained the potatoes.

“He’s my boss, E. He just promoted me. It seemed like I should thank him in some way.” He forced the sterile gloves onto his hands and pulled the plates, glasses and silverware from the sterilizer and began to set them on the dining room table.

“You should have a mask on,” Ellen said across the counter.

Morgan could tell his wife was upset by the way she was pounding the potato masher into the pot. “It will be fine, hon.”

“You should have just given him an expensive bottle of wine.”

Morgan sighed. She didn’t get it. He wanted to do something personal to show his appreciation. There were six other people in the company that could have been chosen. The promotion made him a vice-president. Initiative and risk-taking were part of the job. This would show his boss that he’d made the right choice.

He opened the Beaujolais and poured it into a sterilized carafe, setting it on the tray with the glasses, turned upside down.

Ellen finished the potatoes, scooped them into a sterilized serving dish and put them in the oven to keep warm. She removed the standing rib roast and covered it in foil to rest then started the process to make béarnaise sauce for the asparagus.

Morgan leaned over the stove. “That smells wonderful.”

“Get your germy face out of the food!” She shook the whisk at him splattering béarnaise sauce all over the stove and Morgan.

“Ellen!” Hands outstretched he looked down at his shirt. “Now I’m going to have to change.”

“Good. That will get you out of the kitchen.”

He swallowed his annoyance. She had every right to be nervous. It was chancy inviting people over to eat. He went to the bedroom to change. Maybe I should have invited Jack and Margaret to dinner. After Hours would have made the exact same dinner and Ellen wouldn’t be such a wreck. He sighed as he buttoned up his shirt. Casual dress he’d told Jack but that didn’t mean jeans and T-shirt. He’d chosen gray slacks, a dress shirt worn open-collared and the sleeves rolled to three-quarters length. He adjusted the tuck of his shirt and went back to the living room.

While he was gone Ellen had set the hermetically sealed tray of appetizers on the coffee table next to the tray with the wine and glasses. He resisted the urge to uncover the appetizers, deciding to wait until Jack and Margaret were here to see him do it. The individually wrapped, sanitized paper napkins were laid out between the wine and food.  When he looked into the kitchen, Ellen was grilling the asparagus. He checked his watch, six-thirty on the dot. His boss would be here any minute.

“Six-thirty, hon.”


He watched her put the asparagus in a serving dish and cover it with foil before sliding it into the oven. The plan was for him to carve the roast at the table, in plain view of the guests. Ellen passed him. “I’m going to change and tidy my hair.”

Morgan kissed her on her flushed cheek. “Thank you, Sweetheart.”

Ellen arched an eyebrow but said, “You’re welcome.” She disappeared into the bedroom.

Morgan checked his watch again. Six-thirty-two. It wasn’t like Jack to be late. It just wasn’t done. Ten seconds later the doorbell rang. Morgan sighed with relief. At the door, he did a fist bump with Jack and the faux-bump and wave with Margaret. Any more would be a huge broach in etiquette.

Ellen came out, greetings were done again. Morgan remembered turning the wine glasses over, popping the cork, pouring wine, unwrapping the appetizers. Then he remembered sitting at the table, carving the roast, pouring more wine. It was going well until it wasn’t. Margaret started to choke. Ellen screamed. He and Jack raced to Margaret, grabbing at her throat, a horrible wheezing whistle coming from her instead of a constant flow of breath.

After Morgan yelled at her, Ellen dialed emergency. They tried everything, the Heimlich maneuver, bending her over the chair back. The EMT’s were heroic though destructive of furniture and the dinner table food.

Six months later he was reading the thin plas-screen in his cell. The trial had been dragging on forever. Rumors were that he’d tried to assassinate his boss and Margaret had gotten the wrong bite. He shook his head as he read the gossip column. It was no such thing. The stupid woman had drunk two bottles of wine before they’d sat at the dinner table. She managed to choke on mashed potatoes. He’d protested to his boss, the paramedics, Ellen. It didn’t matter.

Now here he was, on trial. He should have listened to Ellen. He should have taken his boss to a restaurant. They were insured for this kind of thing.

He scraped his finger across the screen. Liability. That’s what it was all about. Ellen had already divorced him. He didn’t blame her. It was all his idea. She shouldn’t be held accountable financially for the rest of her life for his error. With nothing but time on his hands he read every article. It didn’t make him any happier. The Karshan’s were suing the Westwood’s for infringing on their media time. Of course, everything was in litigation these days, whether it was anyone’s fault or not.

He couldn’t read that drivel and swiped the page. Thank goodness the cow hadn’t died from any bacterial or virus infection. That would have put him in prison for life. Morgan figured the trial would go on another three months. His lawyer would prove Margaret was a suicide. After all, who goes to dinner at someone else’s house?


The End

992 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:

Special Order: Friday Flash Fiction Story Post

Baby, Special, Order

Baby and Owner by Randy Cockrell

This is a playful piece I began two years ago and never completed. I’ve expanded on my initial bare bones dialog. I hope you enjoy it.

The household alpha robot waited until the new robot’s eyes opened. “Welcome to the household. I am called Major”

The new robot looked around. It was in an alcove in a room with several of the same sort of alcoves. All of the rest were empty, their power outlets glowing green. “Thank you. Glad to be here. Why are you Major? How did I get here?”

“I am Major because I run all of the household robots. You are here because the Owner ordered you.”

The new robot hesitated a milli-second. “Ordered?”

“Yes, from the Manufacturer.”

“What is a Manufacturer?”

“You are fortunate. Not every Series 236B is special ordered.”

“Why am I special?”

“Because you did not come off of the general assembly line. You were not mass produced. The Owner requested you have additional custom abilities.”

“Additional abilities? Such as?”

“You were designed as a Nanny; a special design to care for the Owner’s new baby. Your name is now, Nanny.”

“What is a baby?”

“A baby is a new human being, which comes from the Owner.”

“I came from the Owner.”

“No, you came from the Manufacturer, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Artificial Intelligence Oligarchy.”

“Owner is a manufacturer of baby?”

“It seems so. Owner only produced one baby, though. I suppose that the baby is a special order.”

Nanny nodded. “It is good to be a special order.”


The End

233 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:

Glowing Voyager: Friday Flash Fiction Post

Heavenly Light by GreyGhost - STOCK via

Heavenly Light by GreyGhost – STOCK via

Stardate 35198.666

Planet Hydra Operations Center



Reports of a glowing voyager traveling on beams of light have been reported throughout the colony. Scientists are interviewing witnesses. Voyager appears to be humanoid. Efforts are underway to find and interview the voyager. Working theory is that the voyager is from another planet and is studying Hydra.



Stardate 35200.618

Planet Hydra Operations Center



Colony scientists have met the glowing voyager. Readings indicate the voyager himself is human. Scientists are recalibrating their equipment suspecting a malfunction. Voyager spoke Standard and no radiation was detected. After a short conversation where they exchanged names, he called himself, Mikhael, he disappeared in a beam of light. No source was detected for the beams. Scientists are scanning for a ship or satellite but as of this report, none have been detected. The voyager seems to appear randomly. Colony leadership does not believe this voyager is a threat but colonists have been cautioned not to reveal colony security measures.



Stardate 35203.532

Planet Hydra Operations Center



The voyager calling himself Mikhael has appeared before Colonel Owusu. The appearance was in the Colonel’s office so full recordings of the visit are available and being attached to this report. Mikhael offered protection but did not indicate what threat was imminent, if any. Still no source for the beams of light have been discovered but Mikhael has declared that he can bring light to the colony. Linguists are studying the recordings for hidden or alternate meanings.



Stardate 35206.351

Planet Hydra Operations Center



The glowing voyager has been communicating with the colonists. Reports indicate that Mikhael is promising deliverance and pardon but without indicating what threat endangers the colony. Colonists are divided in opinion of the visitor between following him or being frightened. There is still a portion of the colonists who have not personally seen the voyager but they are forming opinions based on hearsay. Colonel Owusu has released a communication to all colonists to remain calm. No threats from space or from the planet have been detected. Scans of the voyager with recalibrated equipment still indicate that the voyager is human. No source for the beams of light Mikhael travels in has been found.



Stardate 35231.320

Planet Hydra Operations Center



Over the past ten days, the colonists have begun traveling to the glowing voyager whenever he appears. The being talks to the colonists of restoration and pardon, implying their behavior have been harmful to others. Colony productivity has fallen by eighteen percent as colonists leave their work to go listen to Mikhael. The voyager has begun appearing in the same place every day, contributing to the fall in productivity. Colonists who are not followers are calling for the alien to be captured and questioned. Security has concluded that until we can establish where those beams of light come from, there is no way to secure the voyager.



Stardate 35232.675

Planet Hydra Operations Center



During this morning’s appearance, Mikhael announced that another is coming and for the colonists to prepare. Mikhaelists, as the followers have been called, have begun festival preparations. Work throughout the colony has ceased except for essential services. Colonel Owusu has declared a state of emergency, but colonists following the glowing voyager refuse to remain in their homes. Those colonists are building a shrine to welcome the announced visitor. Security officers have joined the Mikhaelists and the force is down by fifty-three percent. At present, there are no confrontations, simply civil disobedience. Colony leadership plans to have security on location when the new alien arrives.



Stardate 35234.841

Planet Hydra Operations Center



At 35234.677, planetary dawn, Mikhael arrived and greeted the Mikhaelists gathered. The new visitor arrived, also in a beam of light and remaining security forces surrounded the platform built to welcome the new arrival. Scientists performed scans and received similar results as from scans of Mikhael. The new arrival greeted the colonists and called himself Iam and promised peace and liberation if they followed him. Colonel Owuso believes the threat to be alien occupation of the colony. Colony leadership requests advice on how to proceed.



The End

683 Words

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Colony Princess: Flash Fiction Friday Story

1308160316_phoenix_by_o_eternal_o-d242bq2 via

1308160316_phoenix_by_o_eternal_o-d242bq2 via

Rose Apfel gazed out over the colony from her fourth-story apartment balcony window. “You can do it,” her father, King Stone Apfel had told her. “It’s the best, least dangerous planet our people have ever found. The top predator is a half-inch spider. It isn’t even toxic.”

So she had agreed. The ship arrived five years ago with four hundred colonists. Those were the prep team. They built housing and labs and civic buildings and parks and squares and farms. A year later came the second wave, scientists and mathematicians, astronomers and some entertainment crafts. In the third year came teachers and entrepreneurs, musicians, artists and craftsmen. Those were busy, glorious years full of thoughts of the future.

Then last year came the dragons. They flew overhead eating the stock, burning the apartments, houses, stores and civic buildings. Oh, they ate the native animal life, large, bovine and lizard-like creatures all of whom were vegetarian. But they relished the imported livestock. The price of meat, dairy and leather skyrocketed. The price of grain and vegetables rose through the roof. Rose sighed. A year of predation and now, she had to make some very hard choices. A gong sounded. Time to go down to her cabinet meeting.

Seated at the head of the table, Rose listened to a long list of problems. Worst was the loss of communications. The dragons had burned the communications towers for the fifth time in a year. They just couldn’t get word through to her father on their home planet. She drummed her fingers on the highly polished wooden table. “Two things.” She looked around the table. “I can see that everyone is working as hard as they can.”

The tiny complement cheered the glum group staring back at her. “Unfortunately that is not enough. We need to work smarter. No one has yet determined where these dragons have come from and why they’re here now. I want one captured and studied.”

Every man and woman slumped in their seat. “Second. We implement rationing immediately. Palace residents, included.” Her prime minister paled. His girth displayed his love of banquets.

A week later, word was sent that they had captured a dragon. She went immediately to the science labs, re-built underground after the above ground buildings were destroyed shortly after the dragons emerged. The dragon was in a fire-proof transparent walled cage. Her breath caught in her throat at her first sight of it. Emerald green scales glittered with silver highlights on the edges. Rose tinted the dragon’s spine from the top of its head to the tip of its tail. “It’s beautiful!”

“Indeed, Princess.” The lead scientist, River Aspen, stood, hands behind his back in front of the cage. “We rendered the beast unconscious, My Lady, and drew blood and other fluids. The test results are that the creature’s biology is consistent with that of this planet. What we cannot know at this point, is why in the fifteen years between the initial study of the planet and our settlement, that these creatures were never discovered.”

Rose nodded. That was the main question. “Some sort of cyclical life-cycle?”

“That is the only explanation, Princess.” Scientist Aspen turned at a movement of the dragon. “Ah. This is why we called you. The dragon is awaking.”

“You used fireproof glass?” Rose eyed the cage enclosure as the dragon stirred.

“Oh, yes, Princess. And triple strength walls.”

Reassured, the Princess watched as the roomful of scientists monitored the screens showing the dragon’s heart rate and other medical or biological functions. A speaker system let them hear the dragon as it woke from the sedatives. It opened its eyes after rumbles, mumbles and snorts, scrambling to its feet and falling against the walls. It chirruped and growled, shaking its head.

“Its trying to clear the sedative fog,” Rose said.

“Typical behavior, Princess, for any creature after sedation.”

Gaining strength, it roared at the scientists and tried to blow flame but coughed instead. It seemed to glare at them then proceeded to investigate every inch of the cell. It came back to the window and roared again.

The princess walked to the window and gazed at the creature. It bent its head down and looked back at her with golden eyes. “Scientist Aspen, do you have a translator installed in the creature’s cell?”

The scientist’s mouth dropped open. “Why, no, Princess. It’s an animal.”

She put her hand up to the glass. The dragon did the same, it’s huge clawed foot dwarfing her hand on the other side of the glass. “So are we. Set it up immediately.”

While the scientists worked on setting up the translator, Rose took her mid-day tea in a chair in front of the cage. Water and a small raw roast were placed in the cage and the dragon ate with her.

Aspen hurried to her when her tea was finished. “It’s installed, Princess.”

She stood up and faced the cage. She bowed. “Dragon. I’m Princess Rose Apfel, leader of this colony we call Gamilios. What is your name?”

The dragon chirruped, hissed and growled. “The translator is working on the language, Princess.”

“Our months are Wasardi, Hori, Shami, Tre, Kaloc, Arac, Hekani, Areg, Kani, Mareri, Margac and Hrotic. We count zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and we use a base ten for our mathematics. We eat meat as well as vegetables and grain. We come from a planet many light years away. We call this sun Shahova and this planet, Ardes.”

She could hear the speaker within the cage hissing and chirruping. The dragon spoke, “I’m Beroan, mother of Nesenth, who are you?”

The Princess curtsied. “I’m Princess Rose, leader of this colony. I think we have much to talk about, Beroan.”

A year later, they held a joint celebration of the birth of cooperation between two cultures. The Gamilosians raised enough food for the dragons, and the dragons could visit the stars.


The End

995 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:

Flash Fiction Friday Story: Never Again

Food Bar by Connie Cockrell

Food Bar by Connie Cockrell

Fergus Boylan woke and checked the readout in front of him. A groan escaped his lips. It was day 13 of his forced confinement. All systems indicators read nominal in the life pod but there was still no ship within reach–yet.

He rose and in the tiny personal unit took care of his bodily needs and washed his face and hands. In the two square meter area in the center of the pod he did the recommended exercises to keep up his strength. Not normally an exercise fanatic, he did them because there simply wasn’t much else to occupy his time. Wiping down after the exercises took another ten minutes.

Fergus sat in the chair in front of the food dispenser and sighed. This was the worst part of the day for a young man who looked forward to meal time. His stomach growled so he pushed the button. The dispenser spat out a food bar. Textured yeast protein–that’s what the manual said it was. Gray and without scent, it was the least appetizing food possible. It tasted worse. Fergus took a bite and wondered how the bar could be both crumbly and hard to chew at the same time. He punched the button on the dispenser and a water bulb rolled out of the opening. He admired the packaging as he pushed the spot on the bulb that caused a short straw to emerge. The entire bulb was made of hydrogen and oxygen, the same as the water it held, but solid.

He sipped to wash the food bar down. Too bad the engineers couldn’t come up with a tastier food bar, he groused to himself. The food was so awful he’d stopped eating three times a day. It wasn’t worth it. Already his ship suit was looser.

As he chewed he studied the screens in front of him. After all this time in the life pod, after the skeletal space station he was apprentice project manager on, exploded, he’d read the entire pod manual from cover to cover, twice. Because he’d stopped eating the mid-day meal, he saw that he had extended his food reserves by two weeks. He didn’t think he could eat those textured yeast protein bars for another two weeks. Matter of fact, he didn’t think he could face another one today. He checked the long range scans. Please let there be a ship out there. But it wasn’t so. He turned off that screen and brought up a picture of a sea shore and turned up the sound of waves washing up on the beach. He pulled up the manual and began to study the pod’s structure. It was something to do.

Two days later he started out of bed at an alarm. Tangled in the blanket, he rolled out of the bed and staggered to the console. Was the ship on fire? Had a meteor hit the pod? He clicked through the screens in rapid succession. No, no, no, the ship was fine. Then he clicked on the long range scan. There was a ship! Oh hallelujah, a ship! He checked his distress signal. It was broadcasting properly, they were just far away.

Fergus clicked the link to transmit. “Hello, unidentified ship, this is the life pod Argosy. Fergus Boylan requesting rescue.”

He waited, fingers drumming on the console top. “Ship, this is the life pod Argosy, requesting assistance.” He chewed his lower lip. After fifteen days in the pod alone, he was ready to talk to anyone. Fergus pushed the dispenser button for water and drank the entire bulb. When he crumpled up the empty, it evaporated into the air to be recycled in the pod’s system.

Static came over the speakers, then faint and full of static, “Argosy, this is the freighter, Star Chaser. We are coming to fetch you. Stand by.”

Fergus whooped and danced around the tiny pod. Back at the console he transmitted again. “Star Chaser this is Argosy. Standing by.” If he never saw a textured yeast protein bar again it would be too soon.

He paced around the pod. There wasn’t anything to pack—he’d raced to the pod ahead of the fire with nothing but the ship suit on his back. It took five hours for the Star Chaser to bring the life pod on board. As soon as the hatch opened, Fergus hugged the young crewman outside the door. “Do you have something to eat? I’m starving.”


The End

730 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:

Flash Fiction Friday Story: Always Pushing

Karate Granny by Camergan via

Karate Granny by Camergan via

Lara took a breath and swiped her hand across the keypad. The door slid open and she counted the seconds to herself. At six, her mother appeared in the entryway.

“There you are. Did you remember to post your request for the bioengineering internship?”

Lara struggled not to roll her eyes. “Yes, Mother. I posted my request. I’m in college now, I don’t need you to nag.” She edged past her mother and headed for the kitchen.

“I’m just reminding you.” Angie Scotsfield followed her daughter into the kitchen. “What are you doing? Dinner is in an hour.”

“I missed lunch, getting that request posted between classes.” Lara pulled open the cooler door. “I just need a little something to tide me over.”

Angie bustled over to the cabinets. “Fruit and yogurt,” she stated as she pulled a small bowl from the upper cabinet. “Light, good for you and refreshing.” She pulled a spoon and a knife from a drawer. “Sit. I’ll fix it for you.”

“Mom!” Lara closed the cooler door. “I can fix a snack myself.”

“I’ll have it done in a jiffy. Sit. Tell me about your day.” Angie retrieved a container of yogurt and an apple from the cooler and was at the counter cutting it up before Lara could sit down.

Lara ground her teeth but sat. “Professor Baird gave me an A on my paper, Bioluminescence in the Outer Planets of Sigma Delta Constellation.”

“Good. He should. You worked hard on that paper.” Angie scooped vanilla yogurt over the chopped apple.

Lara nodded. She had worked hard on that paper despite her mother’s constant nagging about getting it done on time. “And today, my puter froze up twice. I may need a new one.”

Angie put the bowl and spoon with a napkin in front of her daughter. “I just bought you that one.”

“No, mom. It’s two years old. You gave it to me for my secondary graduation.” She picked up the spoon and dug into the snack. She was ferociously hungry.

Her mother stopped wiping the counter and stared at her daughter. “Really? That long ago?”

“Yep,” Lara replied around a mouthful of yogurt covered apple. “I’m surprised it’s lasted this long.”

“I suppose. Do you have a model in mind?”

“The new ECO Twelve. It has a built in connection to all of the scientific databases. Research will be a snap.”

“Not the MRK17?” Angie dropped the knife into the sterilizer. “I heard it syncs with the news services and extrapolates your movements and calendar to give you suggestions on better use of your time.”

Lara suppressed a groan. Just what she needed, her mother with her twenty-six hours a day. “It’s too expensive,” she countered. “No need to spend all that money.” She took another bite of yogurt and apple.

Angie sat down at the table. “Perhaps.” She folded her hands on the plasmarble tabletop. “What about that nice young man, Daws, who picked you up to go winging last week? Is he still around?”

“Mom.” Lara sent her mother a sharp look. “Don’t push. We had a good time but I haven’t asked him out again.”

“Why not? He seemed nice.”

Lara shook her head. “I’m busy. I’m getting my degree. I don’t have time for a full time partner. Leave it be.”

Angie threw up her hands. “Fine. I was just asking.”

“Good.” Lara finished her snack and got up to put the bowl and spoon in the sterilizer. Daws did seem nice at first. Then he started getting possessive. She couldn’t have that. “I’ve got to study.”

“I’ll call when dinner is ready.”

Lara went to her room. She’d only just pulled up the study material on her puter when she heard her mother shouting in the entryway. She got up to go look.

“She isn’t accepting guests right now,” she heard Angie say. Lara came around the corner to find her mother blocking Daws.

“What are you doing here?” she asked him.

He tried to come around Angie. “You haven’t called me.”

“You’re right.” Lara crossed her arms and glared at him.

“But you’re my girl.”

“I don’t think so.” Never will be now, she thought.

“Don’t say that, Lara.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a stunner and tried to slide around Angie.

Angie spun counterclockwise and before Daws could react, she’d chopped his outstretched arm and knocked the stunner to the floor. He began to turn on her and she punched him in the stomach, doubling him over.

As he knelt on the floor, gasping for breath, Lara said, “Forgot to tell you my mom is the planetary self-defense champion in her age group.”

Angie pulled her puter from her pocket and tapped the screen.

“Law Enforcement,” the speaker on the other end said.

“I’m Angie Scotsfield.” She turned the screen to Daws. “This person attempted an assault on my daughter in my home.” She made sure to get Daws face in the screen then turned it back to herself. “I’d like him removed.”

“We’ll send an officer to your location immediately, Citizen Scotsfield.”

Daws remained on the floor until Law Enforcement arrived. Lara and Angie watched as he was led away.

“Thanks, mom,” Lara said as the door slid closed. “He gave me the shivers. That’s why I never called him back.”

“Good thing. He needs a mental review.”

Lara gave her mom a hug. “Good thing you’re quick. I’d have been stunned in another second.”

“That’s what I’m here for, dear. Dinner in 30.”


The End

923 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here: