Fast Ride: Monday Blog Post

Kindred Spirits Ad

Did you read that last week I released Kindred Spirits? I’ve created a video of all of the meme cards and quotes I’ve made and put it on YouTube. Here’s the link. Please share it with all of your friends, family, and significant others. Note that the cards have links on them. Not clickable, unfortunately, an  issue with jpeg files, but I encourage you to check out the links. Every link discusses something in the book. I hope you find the information both informative and fun. The book is up on all of my ebook and paperback sales sites, see the last paragraph below for links.

I started a giveaway on Amazon that ended yesterday, March 20th. I had 10 First Encounter ebooks to give away. Did you get one? I hope so. If not, I have a couple of free books up for grabs if you sign up for my newsletter. See below for more on how to do that.

This is Author Interview week and Lazette Gifford ( will be my guest. Lazette writes SciFi and Fantasy among other things. Have you found a new to you author that you’re checking out? Lazette may be one! The post pops up on Wednesday.

Peach Blossoms

Peach Blossoms

The tomato seedlings I talked about last week are still all doing well. I notice the plum tomatoes are growing faster than the cherries. Not a bad thing at all but just interesting to note. The mid-season daffodils are up as the miniatures are fading out. My pear trees are in full bloom as the nectarine and peach are dying out. The apple trees are just starting to blossom. I’m crossing my fingers that we do not get a hard frost or snow any more this year. If we do, I’ll lose all of the fruit. The parsley I transplanted to a different bed has died. I feel a little bad, it would have been nice to harvest it sooner than I could get from seed but it’s not a disaster. I have lots of seed I collected from last year’s second-year parsley and failing that, I can get plants at the nursery.

The Luck O’ The Authors giveaway is closed. We’re compiling all of the winners and should be contacting them along about Wednesday or Thursday. Hundreds of people participated, it’s a lot to sort out. Thank you so much for participating. If you missed out, don’t worry, we have a Spring giveaway coming up. I’ll keep you posted.

Did you pop over to Cover Wars on to vote for my cover? The contest ended Saturday. I did not win but many thanks to those who stopped by that website to vote.

I’m continuing to work on Mystery in the Woods. I know, I’ve been saying that every week but really, I am. I made a big break through this week writing over 10,000 words and getting down to my last four scene cards. What do I mean by that? I plot my story out by using scene cards. A 3X5 card that I write a sentence on with who will be in the scene, where the scene is, what the conflict is and what the twist to the story is. Anyway, I’m getting to the end of the story, and the last four cards don’t match what’s going on at this point at all. So I tossed them and wrote out six different cards which take me to the end and ties up the loose ends. Ha! Now I know who did it and what happens. I’m pretty pleased and should be able to have the draft done by this time next week. Yay!

I printed out Zoe Ohale and have it ready for me to begin my first pass through edits. I always do the first pass on paper. The difference between looking at the story on the computer screen and on paper is huge and I spot a lot of things I miss when I’m looking at it for the millionth time electronically. Zoe is a long book for me, longer than I’ve done before, over 70,000. I think you’ll like it!

Where will I be? Here’s the scoop.

April 11th at 3pm Arizona time I’ll be on the January Jones Sharing Success Stories web talk radio show. Have you heard me there? Don’t miss out.

April 16th I’ll be at the Tempe Public Library book festival where I’m on a panel talking about Science Fiction and World Building. I’m looking forward to meeting you there.

June 2nd and 3rd I’m at the Scottsdale MysteryCon, Death and Deception in the Desert. I’m giving a presentation there as well on writing a mystery.  Tickets for both days are only $35. I do hope you can make it to that one.  Here’s a flyer telling all about it.

July 23rd is the Payson Book Festival. I’ll be at my table all day, ready to talk to YOU! I hope you can make it as we will have over 70 authors attending as well as music, food, author presentations and workshops. It will be stupendous!

Want more details about these events? Click here for more information.

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. If you are a Brown Rain series fan, I’ve created a list just for you! If you join my regular newsletter, that’s all right too as I’ve put sign-up prizes on both. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. My next newsletter is being drafted so sign up today. The YouTube video I just made about Kindred Spirits will be in the newsletter. Just a note. I’m going to be sending out newsletters more frequently. Be prepared for fun and contests!

Kindred Spirits released on March 14th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Gumroads  or Chatebooks today! You can also see all of my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.

Monday Blog Post: Prepping for Vacation

Mohawk Harvest Co-Op Storefront, Gloversville NY.

Mohawk Harvest Co-Op Storefront, Gloversville NY.

We’re getting ready to drive across the country to my old hometown of Northville, NY. We’re stopping along the way to visit with some friends. We should be in Northville by the 8th. I’m looking forward to this. It’s our first vacation in two years. Also, we haven’t been back to Northville since we moved to Arizona five years ago. We’re way overdue for a visit.

While we’re in upstate NY, I have scheduled a book signing in Gloversville, NY at the Mohawk Valley Cooperative on Main Street. That’s a picture of the store front at the top of this post. I’ll be there Saturday, October 10th from 9am to Noon. I hope to see you there. Bring one of my books or buy it there and I’ll be happy to sign it.

Author Friend Boost! Margaret McGaffey Fisk. Her newest book is, Gifts, The Steamship Chronicles Book Three.  Here’s a description.

Sam has never been happier than aboard this merchant ship in the middle of the ocean. Most of the crew accepts her despite knowing about Sam’s Natural abilities. They tease and scold as if she were one of their own, even letting her listen to their tales. She’d do anything to stay, but the captain has made it clear: Come the next port, her voyage is at an end.

Sam’s presence has cost Nat so much, but he’d do anything to have her stay. Still, Nat knows the captain made the only possible choice in these circumstances. The sailors view Sam as a good luck charm now, but as soon as something goes wrong, they could turn on her. Transforming Sam into a boy and giving her Nat’s share of the profits means she’ll have a decent chance on shore as long as she stays in control. Nat likes neither image of her future so struggles to come up with a better plan.

You can find more about Margaret at:

Writing progress: I’ve made some progress on my Zoe Ohale outline for NaNo. It’s still a long way from finished. I did get another chapter written on Mystery in the Woods. It’s moving, albeit slowly.

Marketing: As an indie author, I’m responsible for marketing my own work. It can be a challenge but I keep my eyes and ears open for new opportunities to tell people I’m out here and have some stories they might like to read.

One great opportunity is that my author friend D’Elen McClain ( has started a new website to connect readers to authors. It’s called Indie Books Direct at The site, free to readers, has a tab that lists all of the authors on the site. The reader just clicks on the author’s name and a link takes them directly to the author’s website or sale page. If you want to find authors in a particular genre, click on one of the several genre pages to find authors that have stories in that genre. It makes things so easy for readers! The site is still under construction but we’d love to have you come browse. Let us know how you like the site. Official grand opening is November 1st!

On Saturday I found a promotion that will start right after Halloween is over. It’s called Santa’s Authors Christmas 2015 Giveaway. On 1 November, the party starts. I’ll give everyone the details for signing up to win free books and prizes. Mark your calendar because you won’t want to miss out on this. The below picture is my promo ad for the event. What do you think?

Christmas Giveaway Poster

Christmas Giveaway Poster

I have finished writing the Friday Flash stories for October. There are five new stories all scheduled and waiting to post. The theme I wrote to is Halloween. I just had to do it. LOL! I still must get my October Chicklets in the Kitchen post written and scheduled. Last Thursday I attended the Strawberry Author’s group meeting and gave them an overview of CreateSpace and how it works. They liked it so much they’ve asked me to come back the end of October and talk about editing. Hoo, big fun!

I’m totally up on  I’ve put a notice up on my WordPress blog so my readers can find me. Be sure to follow me at my new website. I stopped posting to the WordPress site ( after Friday August 7th.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

I published my September newsletter on Saturday. Did you miss it? Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I make special offers to my newsletter people that I do not make on the website blogs. If you like the content, please encourage your friends to sign up, too. Don’t delay. The October newsletter is coming out soon. Sign up now so you don’t miss out.

Mystery at the Fair released July 15th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today! You can also see all of my books on, Books tab. If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.

Monday Blog Post: Surprise!

Town Car

Town Car

Last week my daughter texted me that she and her significant other would be driving down from Flagstaff to visit and “show us something.” I said, “Sure, come on down.” I’ll admit I was curious but I waited patiently and on Saturday she arrived in this.

Lincoln Town Car Interior

Lincoln Town Car Interior

Yep, a Lincoln Continental Town Car. Apparently one of only three made for the Soprano’s show. Two were destroyed and this is the only one left. Through an unexpected twist, their neighbor owned the car and was going to get rid of it. Sometime in the car’s past, someone had pimped it out with the running lights, decorative bling and the winged angel on the front. The wings light up! The interior is ostrich leather. It turns out they want to sell it.  So, if you’re interested, I can connect you.

Angel Hood Ornament

Angel Hood Ornament

I’m still picking peaches from my tree though as of Sunday morning, there is only about one branch full left on the tree. We’re really enjoying eating those fresh peaches. Of course I sent daughter home with a bag of peaches and apples as well as just picked cherry tomatoes, a New Mexico chili and a jar of canned peaches. I’ve been studying my squash patch. The yellow squash plant is producing little pumpkin looking fruit! I suspect a plant tag was misapplied at the store. I’m watching these fruits with some interest to see what they turn into.

Mystery at the Fair is released on Smashwords who has distributed the story to Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iTunes. It’s also up on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback editions. See the links at the end to find Mystery at the Fair on those sites.

As for writing, Betrayal Moon for the Forward Motion anthology is at the editors. In the meantime, I’m rewriting Gold Dream, a flash fiction I wrote earlier this year, into a short story. If I can get it written and edited in time, I’ll send it to the Society for Southwest Authors writing contest. That deadline is September 15th so I need to get in gear!

I’m totally up on  I’ve put a notice up on my wordpress blog so my readers can find me. Be sure to follow me at my new website. I’ve stopped posting to the wordpress site ( as of Friday August 7th.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

I put a special offer up in my July newsletter. Did you miss it? Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I make special offers to my newsletter people that I do not make on the website blogs.

Mystery at the Fair released July 15th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today! You can also see all of my books on, Books tab. If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.

Monday Blog Post: August and Summer

Garden, Zucchini, Connie Cockrell

Garden Zucchini by Connie Cockrell

It’s amazing, really, how fast the summer goes. I stay busy, and that, I think, is the clue. I seldom have a lazy day, a day where I just lounge around, reading or binge watching movies. Even my downtime, hiking or gardening, is scheduled into my day so that they get done. I’m fully invested in the old saying, idle hands are the devil’s workshop. I’m never idle.

The garden is going nicely. Cantaloupes are just about ready to pick. Zucchini is growing well. Picked my first roma tomato a few days ago. Fortunately for me, the hornworms are few and far between this year. Yay! Yesterday I made zucchini fritters from one zuke I forgot about. It didn’t get too big but bigger than I want for grilling.

Saturday I canned peaches. A hiking friend had never seen it done so I invited him over and he helped me through the whole process. I ended up with 12 pints of peaches. There are still peaches on the tree. They’re not quite ripe yet.  I also picked all of my apples. Perhaps applesauce.

Mystery at the Fair is released on Smashwords. Smashwords will distribute the story to Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and iTunes. See the links at the end to find Mystery at the Fair on those sites.

Camp NaNo is over and I missed my 50,000 word goal. I did achieve 32,000 so I’m satisfied. I’ll continue to write on it until it’s finished. In the meantime I need to edit Betrayal Moon for the Forward Motion anthology and rewrite Gold Dream, a flash fiction I wrote earlier this year. I want to turn it into a short story and send it to the Society for Southwest Authors writing contest. That deadline is September 15th so I need to get in gear!

I’m totally up on The techs at GoDaddy, my hosting site, were very helpful and we’ve straightened out all of the problems. Yay! I’ll put a notice up on my wordpress blog so my readers can find me. Be sure to follow me at my new website. I’m going to stop posting to the wordpress site ( after Friday.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

I put a special offer up in my July newsletter. Did you miss it? Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I make special offers to my newsletter people that I do not make on the website blogs.

Mystery at the Fair released July 15th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today! If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote the books on their sites. Thanks in advance.

New Appearance Date

I moved to Arizona in July of 2010 from upstate New York. My hubby and I love it here. So much so that we haven’t been back to visit friends and family in the five years we’ve been here.

So this year we’ve decided to go back to NY and visit. Since I’ll be in my hometown, I thought it would be cool to do a book signing. I contacted the Mohawk Harvest Co-op on Main St. in Gloversville and spoke with Chris, the manager of the co-op.

He’s all for my doing a book signing at his store! So on October 10th, 10am – noon, I’ll be at the Mohawk Harvest Co-operative Market, 30 N. Main St., Gloversville NY.

Come on by, get some wonderful food and chat with me.

Monday Blog Post: Birthday News

Payson Book Festival, Banner,  Chamber of Commerce

Payson Book Festival Banner at the Chamber of Commerce

There’s only 7 more days until the festival and we’re finalizing all of the tiny details required to be completed before we have our author Meet and Greet on Friday and the Festival on Saturday. Banners have been hung around town. TV, Radio, Blog and Newspaper interviews have been conducted all over Arizona. Posters are up. We’re ready!  I hope you can make it to Payson on July 25th, 9am – 4pm, and stop by the festival to say hello!

If you missed any of the interviews or media releases or want to read the proclamation, click here to find everything.

So Friday was my birthday. A hiking friend of mine had her birthday a week earlier. We’re the same age. Twins! So we had a joint birthday party on Saturday.  We belong to many of the same groups so we sent out an email to all of our friends to join us. We had a blast. Burgers and dogs, salads, cake, cookies, watermelon and oh, way too much food! Below is a picture from the party.

Birthday Cake, Connie, Ruth

Birthday Cake for Connie and Ruth

Mystery at the Fair is released! I’m happy that I have it done and was able to buy copies to have for the Book Festival. So far it’s only up on Amazon. Soon I’ll have it up on other sites: Apple, Barnes and Noble, and a few others.

Camp NaNo progresses. I’m not sure why I thought it would be a good idea to hold two major functions, release a book, and write 50K in a month but there you go, certifiably crazy. As of today I have over 30,000 words.  I’m working on the second Jean Hays series book, Mystery in the Woods. When will it be out, you ask? No idea. I have two other books, that I wrote in April, waiting for editing. Maybe you can tell I’m not as enthusiastic about the editing and rewriting part as I am about writing the first draft.

The garden is looking wonderful. I’ve picked four zuchinni already and harvested the potatoes. Now I’m in the process of not water the bed where the mint has run amok. I’m going to have to let that bed go until I can dig out all of the mint. The tomatoes are looking good even though none are ripe yet. This is Tomato Hornworm season so I have to carefully examine the plants. The damage a tomato hornworm can do is incredible.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

I have a special offer going up in my newsletter, sign up today! Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I make special offers to my newsletter people that I do not make on the website.

Mystery at the Fair released July 15th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today! If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote their books. Thanks in advance.

Monday Blog Post: Spotlight on Selena Laurance’s New Book: Lush Reunion

Book, Release, a lush reunion, Selena Laurencea lush reunion by Selena Laurence

Every once in awhile I like to point out a friend’s new release. Today is release day for Best Selling Author, Selena Laurence’s newest book, Lush Reunion. I received this contemporary romance book as an ARC, a sample copy. The final book in the Lush series ties up the saga with a gigantic bow.

This story revolves around Colin, bass player for the band, Lush, and his long, lost high-school sweetheart, Marsha. The opening prologue sets the scene perfectly and introduces us to Marsha Lynn, Colin’s lost love. After that, the love, the hurt, and the pain ebb and flow in a way that Ms. Laurence has mastered. Sparks fly and tears flow in a fast paced book that I defy you to put down.

There were a number of twists and turns, that to be honest, I never saw coming. If you’re looking for your next beach read, this is the story for you. All of the characters were as real as the people in my own life. Grab this book as soon as you can.

On June 23rd I was happy to be interviewed by January Jones on her web radio broadcast. Talk4 Media, ,  This is a first for me and I’m very excited about it. We talked about my books but also about the Payson Book Festival scheduled for July 25th. I was on the show at 5pm Eastern time and 2pm Arizona time. Here’s the list of who else was interviewed.

Connie Cockrell– Her books, The Gulliver Station Series, and more run the gamut from SciFi and Fantasy to Contemporary.

D’Elen McClain- Under her pen name, Holly S. Roberts, she is the USA Today Best-Selling author and writes “romance with wicked intentions.”

Then at 6pm Florida time and 3pm Arizona time, three more authors were interviewed.

Steven Andrew Cole– enjoys leading his readers down dark alleys, through crawl spaces and anywhere they dare not to venture with thrillers

Sherry Engler– reveals the unusual, quirky behaviors a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) may display

Annemarie Eveland writes about challenges in life and the insights gained from them.

If you missed them go here to get the links.

It’s 26 days until the first ever Payson Book Festival. We’ve organized several radio interviews with festival authors. Check out the web site or our Facebook page (Payson Book Festival) or our Twitter feed at @PaysonBookFest for information about the next interview. At the Festival we’ll have authors speaking, authors signing their books, music, live radio broadcast, entertainment, workshops and food. Make plans now to come up to Rim Country and enjoy the festival.

Mystery at the Fair edits are in their final rounds. All that’s about left is to do the book formatting for both print and e-book. I’m still shooting for an early July release.

Squash, Melon, Garden, Connie Cockrell

Squash and Melon by Connie Cockrell

In the garden I have acquired zucchini and yellow squash and planted butternut squash and Swiss Chard. Saturday the butternut squash poked its first leaves up. The Swiss Chard still must be thinking about it. The plant next to the butternut squash is a self-seeding melon. It produces little, one-person cantaloupes. It seems to be doing very well, yay!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

If you’re interested, click here to sign up for my newsletter. I make special offers to my newsletter people that I do not make on the website.

Lost Rainbows released January 25th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today! If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a review on the site where you bought it. It’s a big help to me in the book rankings each vendor uses to promote their books. Thanks in advance.

Serial: Lost Rainbows Chapter 15 – The Leprechauns Win

Lost Rainbows by Connie Cockrell

Lost Rainbows by Connie Cockrell

Chapter Fifteen – The Leprechauns Win (Lost Rainbows – Serial)

By Connie Cockrell

Shamus O’Malley is on a quest to recover the Leprechaun Kingdom’s magic rainbows and gold before the rainbows are lost forever. To do so he must travel to the new world where he finds the evil wizard, David Bannon, intent on using the magic from the rainbows and the gold to conquer the Leprechaun Kingdom. He also finds an ally, Becca Bannon, the wizard’s niece. Can Becca and Shamus recover the rainbows and gold and defeat her wizard uncle?

This entry is part 15 of 16 in the series Lost Rainbows

Want to start this serial from the beginning? Click here for links to all available chapters.

The Leprechauns Win

It was then she realized she and Shamus weren’t alone. Beside them marched tall people, dressed in armor that looked as ancient as her own. They carried lances of blue flame and shields that were so bright white that Becca couldn’t look at them.  She looked into the face of a woman warrior passing by. “She looks like me! Shamus…” She turned to her protector. “They look like me!”

He watched the newly arrived warriors pass them by. Becca saw his face fill with wonder. “Attack!” he screamed as he waved his sword around his head. “Attack and win this day! The Tuatha De Danann are with us!”

The leprechauns charged forward with renewed energy through the dark, the freezing rain and across the cracks in the earth. Becca could see all along the ranks, the tall people, grim-faced and fearsome, charging forward with them.

The companies hit the robots hard. The clash of metal on metal carried across the battlefield to her. She saw the leprechauns race through the robots and charge the wizards. Now a fierce wind blew, icier even than the rain had been. Becca leaned low over the neck of her pony who had put his head down into the wind. It was hard to see what was going on at the front line. She and Shamus picked their way across the now ice-covered meadow to where the King was fighting. The tall people were at the front and surrounded the wizards. A glow appeared from the tall warriors, golden against the darkness the wizards were throwing.

Becca sat up as the wind died down. There was tension in the air, like the way the day felt as a thunderstorm built up. The golden glow grew brighter and the darkness increased around the wizards until she couldn’t see them any longer. With a huge thunderclap, the glow sparked outward and the darkness disappeared. The rain and wind and darkness vanished and the day was again sunny and warm. The tall people were gone, too. Becca searched all around the meadow but they were nowhere to be seen.

The companies stayed two days in the meadow, nursing the wounded and repairing the damage done to the land. Then they moved through the ruined castle’s gate and back to the sidhe. The next day the Princess met Becca at breakfast.

They ate in the rose garden. The morning was full of sunshine but still cool. The scent of the roses filled the garden. “You have recovered well, Miss Becca.” Princess Lyeen buttered a scone and spread honey on it.

“I’m still a little tired, but yes, thank you. I have recovered.” Becca nibbled at a fresh strawberry. “How are the wounded soldiers?”

“They are well. Our physicians are treating the broken bones and the frost-bite.”

The two of them listened to a bird-song. Becca thought the song sad. They hadn’t been able to find the soldiers that had fallen into the earth. “I’m sorry about the soldiers who died. I wish I could have done something.”

“You did what you could with only a month’s training, little one. Their families are being cared for and the soldiers will be named among our honored. I’m sorry about your uncle.”

Becca put down her scone and wiped her hands, a faraway look in her eyes. “He was a good uncle. I’ll miss him.”

Lyeen reached across the table and patted Becca on the shoulder. “I understand. No one is all good or all bad. I’m just sorry he didn’t come to us in friendship.”

Her eyes began to tear up and Becca quickly wiped them, turning to a new topic, embarrassed to grieve for the man who would have destroyed her hosts. “Were those really Tuatha De Danann?”

Lyeen spoke softly. “It’s all right to grieve, little one. He was your family and you deserve time to remember him.” She took a deep breath. “To answer your question, I believe so, from what you have all told me. There is a legend that they will return to fight beside us in a just battle. I envy you, Miss Becca. The Tuatha De Danann have not returned to fight among us in all of our long history. I wish I could have been there to see them.”

Becca reached across the white linen tablecloth to take Lyeen’s hand. “The battle was horrific, Princess. I would not wish for anyone to have seen it. But I am sorry you did not get to see the ancient gods among us.”

Princess Lyeen smiled. “Thank you, Miss Becca.” She took a deep breath and grinned. “Let’s finish our breakfast. We’re preparing a welcoming home feast for the returned warriors. There hasn’t been a feast like this in many a year.”




Lost Rainbows

To be continued…

Come back for more! Look for the next exciting installment each Wednesday.


You can read more of this story serially on this website for free or you can buy it and read it now at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

See more at: or


Thank you for reading. You can support the story by commenting or leaving a review. Buy my other books for more reading pleasure. If you’ve enjoyed this chapter, please spread the word, tell a friend or share the link to the story by using the share buttons to your right. The author is part of the Forward Motion Flash Fiction Friday Challenge and the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour.

© 2015 Connie Cockrell

Special Post: Shauna Allen’s Release Day for Torque

One of the things authors do for other authors is give them a hand when their new book is released. Quite a few of my friends and family are Romance readers so this is for you. Shauna’s book torque is part of the Jack’em Up series. I’m sure you’ll love it. Here are some words from Shauna Allen.

It’s here! Torque, Shauna Allen’s newest novel in her Jack ‘Em Up series is now available for purchase!

Genre: Contemporary Romance

torque cover

torque cover

Torque blurb:

The darkness that fills him . . . the pain . . . they call to me.

I see so much more than his crime, his past, his demons.

I see the promise . . . the man who fills all the empty spaces inside me.

I’m not the perfect, untouchable girl he thinks I am. I’m just dirty enough to take what I want.



I could never deserve her.

She is the light . . . the sun, the moon, a billion stars.

She gives me hope.

But hope is a dangerous thing for a criminal like me.

I am hopeless.

Infinitely flawed.


We are more than opposites.

We are the dangerously perfect collision of dark and light and pain.

Available now!

Buy at Amazon:

Buy at Barnes & Noble:

Buy at iTunes:

Buy at Kobo:

Buy at Google Play:

Buy at All Romance

Buy at Createspace:


Did she honestly have no idea how close I was to saying ‘fuck it’ and throwing her down on her dining room table to taste her for the first time?

“Jesse . . .”

I waited, not sure I trusted myself to speak. I may be well read and reasonably intelligent, but right now I was practically drunk and stupid on her scent.

“What’s going on here, Jesse?” Her voice was rough and whisper soft.

Tread carefully, man. “Nothing. You’re hiring me to fix your bike—”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “I know.”


I met her fierce gaze. “And I’m a felon, Rachel.” I would not voice the rest. Never. That was enough.

“So? You served your sentence.”

Ha. “I’m on parole for the next year. I’m not a normal guy who can just . . .”

“Just what? Spit it out, Joyner!”

That fine tether of control snapped deep inside me. Without another thought, I prowled toward her, intent on showing her just how she needed to stay away from me.

Her eyes widened, and with each step I took in her direction, she backed up one until I had her against the wall, our chests mere inches from each other. I brushed a wayward curl from her face, where it stuck to her lip.

Her eyes stayed pinned to mine. Wide, observant, but not scared. “Say it,” she pleaded.

“I can’t want you like this, Rachel. You need to stay away from me. I’m no good for you.”

Her breath heaved in and out, making her chest brush mine, as we stared each other down.

Seconds ticked by. She licked her lips. I thought I’d implode.

“Why don’t you let me decide what’s good for me?”

Then she tugged my head down and her mouth was on mine. Her tongue brushed my lips and I couldn’t help my moan as I gave myself over to her completely. It was my first taste of paradise. Dark and sweet and dangerously perfect.



Shauna Allen

Shauna Allen

Shauna grew up an only child with two open and loving parents in Central Texas. She’s married to her high school sweetheart and is the mother to three awesome teenagers, including one she’s about to send off to the Air Force. She is the award-winning author of the Cupid Chronicles series, including Charlie’s Angel and Cupid’s Last Stand. Shauna also writes emotional Contemporary YA novels as SC Montgomery, works as a freelance editor, and is personal assistant to two NYT Bestselling authors. She loves all things sexy, sassy, and Gerard Butler.

Shauna would love for you to visit her at her website and blog at:





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And please learn more about her YA alter-ego at:


Praise for Shauna Allen’s Crank:

Shauna gives you believable characters that you will fall in love with, she has wonderful supporting characters with feeling that you feel throughout the read. She gives you a wonderful compelling story that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

Cyn’s Reviews

What an AWESOME book! Shauna writes with such emotion that will make you laugh and cry.

Gail, a Goodreads Reviewer

AMAZING – there is no other word for this book and series!!! Torque has so much emotion in it – you laugh, cry and cheer.

Nancy, a Goodreads Reviewer

Shauna Allen is a master of grabbing your heartstrings from the very first page and not letting go until the end.

Anna, a Goodreads Reviewer


Serial: Lost Rainbows Chapter 14 – The Battle Goes Poorly for the Leprechauns

Lost Rainbows by Connie Cockrell

Lost Rainbows by Connie Cockrell

Chapter Fourteen – The Battle Goes Poorly for the Leprechauns (Lost Rainbows – Serial)

By Connie Cockrell

Shamus O’Malley is on a quest to recover the Leprechaun Kingdom’s magic rainbows and gold before the rainbows are lost forever. To do so he must travel to the new world where he finds the evil wizard, David Bannon, intent on using the magic from the rainbows and the gold to conquer the Leprechaun Kingdom. He also finds an ally, Becca Bannon, the wizard’s niece. Can Becca and Shamus recover the rainbows and gold and defeat her wizard uncle?

This entry is part 14 of 16 in the series Lost Rainbows

Want to start this serial from the beginning? Click here for links to all available chapters.

The Battle Goes Poorly for the Leprechauns

Becca shut her eyes and tried to block the screams from her hearing. What did the Princess tell her about calling lightning? Becca took several deep breaths. She thought about a stormy sky, how the clouds turned black and blended together. Twice she lost her concentration as the screams broke through her focus. The third time, she had the picture firmly in mind. She raised her hands and visualized lightning streaking out of the sky and hitting the robots. Over and over again, she pictured the lightning falling from the sky onto the robots.

Like the time she did this magic with the Princess and the Advisors, she felt her fingertips tingle. Becca took another breath and as she flung her arms forward, fingers outstretched; she screamed a word she didn’t know. Lightning flashed down from the sky and the robots in front of them began sparking and exploding. The leprechauns that were still standing dashed away from the fires and watched as the robots fell.

“You did it!” Shamus screamed as he controlled the rearing pony and his own horse, both animals frightened by the electricity.

Becca dropped her arms and slumped in the saddle. She was so tired.

Horses under control, Shamus jerked his water-skin from his side and raised her chin. “Drink, regain your strength.” He poured water into her mouth.

She didn’t think she had enough energy to swallow. Half of the water ran out of her mouth onto her armor.

“Becca! Drink!”

She swallowed a little, then a little more. “Enough,” she said weakly. “I’m fine.” She pushed the skin away and struggled to sit up. “How are our people?”

Shamus surveyed the field. “The robots are down. The soldiers still whole are running to the King’s side. It looks like about fifty are still able to fight.”

“What about the other companies?”

“I can’t tell, Becca. They’re behind the ruin.”

She took a breath and rubbed her eyes. “That was very hard.” Becca spotted the King. He and the remaining soldiers were near. The wizards had retreated behind the ruin. “Uncle will have a plan, Shamus. We need to join the King.”

When they reached the rear of the King’s remaining company, Becca could see that the Captain’s company had the same kind of trouble as the King did. She stared. “Shamus, there aren’t as many robots here. I know I saw two companies of them march around the ruin.”

“The leprechauns made them disappear. We have that much magic at least. The problem is that they’re so large, it’s hard to do. Like you, Miss Becca, magic drains our strength.”

As the two of them watched, they saw the Commander’s company working its way toward the King. The wizards were nowhere in sight. The fighting was difficult. This part of the terrain was overgrown with trees and thickets. Becca watched as many a leprechaun soldier tripped over a bush as he tried to fight. The robots also found the terrain tough going. “Look, Shamus!” She pointed. “The robots are having a hard time moving along the uneven land.”

“Good eye, Miss Becca.” He left her alone and rode up to the last line of fighters, pointing at the robots and waving his hands. In a moment, the leprechauns surged forward, swarming a robot and tricking it into tripping over fallen pieces of castle, bushes, and downed trees. Shamus returned to Becca. “That helped.” He wiped his face with a handkerchief. The early summer sun was beating down on the fight, making it hot. He drank a swallow of water. “Are you recovered, Miss Becca?”

Becca felt light-headed and too hot. What she wanted was to lie down and take a nap. “I think so, Shamus. Look, the companies have joined, now they can eliminate the robots.”

They saw the King directing the soldiers as the Captain and the Commander’s companies merged. They were nearly in battle order when the wizards appeared around the ruin from the direction the Commander had come. This time, they all had staffs.

“We were afraid of that.” Shamus reined in his excited horse. “If they all have staffs, they must all have magic.” They heard the King’s signaler blow the horn blast for retreat. “We’re going back to the meadow, Becca, where there’s room to fight.” They wheeled their horses around and raced back to the meadow where they’d started.

The King stayed in the rear guard and Becca saw him fighting off the remaining robots so that his soldiers would have time to get to the meadow. The soldiers raced past the fallen robots and their friends who lay wounded on the field. There was no time now to provide aid.

The leprechaun army formed up at the far end of the meadow, where they had descended the hillside behind them earlier in the day. There were only half the soldiers forming up compared to how many they had started the day with. Becca and Shamus joined the King when he arrived. She asked, “Can you make the wizards disappear, like the robots?”

The King shook his head. “Not living beings, no. More’s the pity.” They watched the robots form lines in two groups, one group on each side of the wizards. The wizards began to pound their staffs on the ground.

“What are they doing?” Becca had to sharply rein in her pony. It began to rear and squeal.

Shamus was having the same problem with his horse. “I don’t know, but the horses don’t like it.”

Soon the leprechauns could hear the pounding, a low rumble at first, then growing louder until it sounded like thunder. The companies grew uneasy. Then the ground began to shake.

“Earthquake!” Becca screamed. Her pony reared and whinnied.

“Charge!” The King waved his sword over his head and pointed it forward. The soldiers charged. Before they had gone fifty feet, the ground opened up in great yawning cracks. Several of the leprechauns fell in, screaming. The sky grew dark and lightning began to strike randomly among the charging soldiers.

Shamus held Becca at the rear of the charge. “Can you do something?” He had to yell to be heard over the quaking and lightning and now, a torrential rain.

Becca had nothing. She’d only studied for a month. There was no way for her to counter the magic of one hundred well-trained wizards. It was all lost; her uncle was going to win and conquer the leprechauns. Tears began to fall, mixing with the stinging, cold rain.




Lost Rainbows

To be continued…

Come back for more! Look for the next exciting installment each Wednesday.


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© 2015 Connie Cockrell