Cover Reveal for Hard Choices

Hard Choices  Cover art by Connie Cockrell

Hard Choices
Cover art by Connie Cockrell


Check it out! What do you think? The book itself will be out the end of May. I still have editing to do on it. Overall, it’s a very short novel and a four related short stories. It’s set in the Gulliver Station timeline between The Challenge (released end of March 2014) and Revolution, which is slated for release end of July 2014.  I’m still contemplating the arrangement of the short stories.  Here’s a blurb about the book:

A short novel with four short stories, Hard Choices looks at life on Gulliver Station in the time after The Challenge. Weather in the Biosphere is a tale about two cousins, who make an ill-timed mistake. Methane Breathers considers communications difficulties between two different species. Growing up is full of hard choices as Cassandra Madison in The Conversion discovers. Barrie has lost his job and must play the game for his family to survive as you’ll read in Dedication Day. The title story, a short novel, takes a look at life on Gulliver Station from an outsider’s point of view.  Between ships, Jolene Harris enjoys leave by herself when things go horribly wrong. Will she live to reach her new ship, The Adirondack?

April’s Camp National Novel Writing Month,  is in its third week. I’m plugging away on my novel, still unnamed. As of yesterday, I’m at 32,000 words, well on my way to my goal for 50K words. There’s still a lot of writing to be done but it looks as though I’ll meet the challenge!

My rhubarb has made it through the dry winter here in central Arizona. I think it needs at least another year before I cut any stalks.

The root canal took five shots of novocaine and two hours but the dentist was quite pleased with the results. I still have some jaw ache from the procedure but it’s slowly going away. It’s nice to take a drink of room temperature water and not wince from the pain.

My project to collect my mom’s history by using To Our Children’s Children: Preserving Family Histories for Generations to Come by Bob Greene and D.G. Fulford is ongoing. Not every phone call to my mom has time or opportunity to ask questions but it is moving along. My brothers and sister are going to like this.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Go ahead and sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get first dibs on any promotions, book announcements, and other information. Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here.  Use Control, Click to access the link.

I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here.  Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.

The Challenge: A Gulliver Station Story released March 23rd! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

Merry Go Round Blog Tour: April – What are Three of My Favorite Blogs?

Owl Using Computer by RedPigeon via

Owl Using Computer by RedPigeon via

I go to quite a few blogs every morning. Picking three favorites is pretty tough. One I have delivered to my email inbox is Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s blog, . I especially love her business articles. As a new writer I need all the help I can get and she writes easy to understand articles on how to go about making writing a business. She’s also a most excellent author and I love getting her free short stories on Monday morning. Associated with her blog is her husband, Dean Weasly Smith’s, blog. I haven’t subscribed to his blog, but Kristine references articles on his blog and I go over there to get more fantastic writing and writing business advice.

Another blog for writers is Dave Farland posts a Daily Kick In The Pants article on writing. Every day I get useful advice on how to write better. As a successful writer himself as well as a BYU professor teaching writing, I take his advice very seriously.

But it’s not all writing. As a diagnosed celiac sufferer, I follow peveteaux on Gluten Is My Bitch A mother of two children, she’s also a celiac sufferer. Along with a humorous post about what’s going on in her life, she provides a gluten free recipe. I’ve tried some of them and they’re fantastic. I’ve managed to sneak four blogs into this post, hope you don’t mind. But don’t forget there are also all of the blogs on The Merry Go Round blog tour to sample as well. I hope you check them out.

The Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour is sponsored by the website Forward Motion ( The tour is you, the reader, travelling the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. There are all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s always something new and different to enjoy. If you want to get to know the nearly twenty other writers check out the rest of the tour at! Up next: Jean Schara!

Halfway Point in April 2014 Camp NaNo

Writing in the Evening by ksiaz via

Writing in the Evening by ksiaz via

Tomorrow will be the halfway point for the April Camp National Novel Writing Month, . So far I have finished a novelette and two short stories. I’m now working on my novel, still unnamed but it’s a fantasy. I set my goal for 50K words and as of Sunday afternoon, I’m over 21,000words. There’s still a lot of writing to be done!

I bought fresh seeds today. I can plant cold hardy stuff like peas and beans now. The rest will have to wait for warmer weather. My Meyer lemon tree has another round of blossoms coming. This is the third time it’s blossomed since January. I have some tiny lemons growing from the last flush. Hopefully I’ll get more on this go round.

I have to go to the dentist on Wednesday, I have a tooth ache under a crown. The dentist says I need a root canal. Yay me! A root canal. Anyway, I’ve had this ache for about a month; it’s time to get it taken care of.

I bought To Our Children’s Children: Preserving Family Histories for Generations to Come by Bob Greene and D.G. Fulford a very long time ago. It’s a list of questions around the person’s personal data, family life, work life, ancestory and so on.  I dug it out of my book case and began asking my mother questions from the book.  If I ask a few questions every day, (I call her everyday anyway) soon I’ll have enough information to put a memoir together for her. I’m liking this project.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Go ahead and sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get first dibs on any promotions, book announcements, and other information. Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here.  Use Control, Click to access the link.

I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here.  Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.

The Challenge: A Gulliver Station Story released March 23rd! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

200th Blog Post!

Celebration by Star Maiden, PatriciaRodelaArtist, ©2007-2014 PatriciaRodelaArtist

Celebration by Star Maiden, PatriciaRodelaArtist, ©2007-2014 PatriciaRodelaArtist

This is my 200th blog post! I’m amazed to be honest. When I started this I never expected to have much to say. I’ve discovered I have a lot to talk about with you all. Thank you for coming back every week!

I’ve been prepping for the April Camp National Novel Writing Month, . This is a writing challenge but unlike November’s 50K word in the month challenge, I can set any word goal I want. I have a novelette to finish, two short stories to write, and a novel to do. I’m going to set my goal for 50K words. Lots of writing to be done!

I’ve been doing some gardening. I had to begin watering too. We’ve only had one rain storm since December and it was barely a tenth of an inch. We still get frost in the mornings though so I can’t plant a lot yet. However, things like spinach, lettuce and other cold hardy things can be planted. I’ve been eyeing pansies for the flower tub in my front yard. They’re extremely cold hardy and will look good out there for a very long time.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Go ahead and sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get first dibs on any promotions, book announcements, and other information. Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here.  Use Control, Click to access the link.

I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here.  Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.

The Challenge: A Gulliver Station story released March 23rd! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

Kobo: Both A New Start and The Challenge are up on Kobo. I’m linking to The Challenge on this blog but you can check my author name for other books available on each of the above links.

As of this writing Apple still doesn’t have The Challenge up so I’ve linked to A New Start. It may be up by the time you try it.

The Challenge Cover Reveal

The Challenge front cover

The Challenge front cover

Editing and formatting are complete on The Challenge, the second book in the Gulliver Station series. How do you like the cover? The manuscript has been entered on both Smashwords and CreateSpace so will be available shortly. For those of you new to my blog, Smashwords is an ebook publishing site and distributes to many ebook vendors like Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and others. It also puts my stories on library lists and book lists that book stores buy from. CreateSpace is an Amazon owned publishing venue. It gives me a paper copy as well as a Kindle copy of my book.  In a day or two, The Challenge will be up on Amazon. It takes a little longer for Smashwords to get it distributed out to the other vendors, though if you want an ebook version right away it’s up on Smashwords now.

What else is going on?

Hubby is power washing our wooden fence. It had never been painted or stained and the wood had turned grey with black streaks. Once he finishes washing it (what he’s done looks better already) we’ll paint or stain it. There’s a lot of fence to do but he takes the job in stages and eventually, it will be washed.

Spring is here in Arizona. My peach and nectarine trees have already bloomed. The pear trees are in bloom now. The apples will be another week or so, they just began to bud out. The early daffodils have come and gone, the mid-season ones are in bloom now. I have been so busy getting my books out that I haven’t even looked at my garden seed catalogs. It’s time for me to get my seed order in and get my tomatoes and peppers and eggplant started. I love being able to step out of my back door and pick fresh stuff for dinner. I’m tickled every time I do it. I’ve already been harvesting green onion, parsley, swiss chard, chives and oregano. How cool is that?

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Go ahead and sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get first dibs on any promotions, book announcements, and other information. Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here.  Use Control, Click to access the link.

I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here.  Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.

A New Start: A Gulliver Station story released January 31st! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

Kobo: Not Available Yet. I’m working with their Help Desk to resolve whatever the issue is that is preventing A New Start from being listed. I’m crossing my fingers that it doesn’t affect The Challenge.

St. Patrick’s Day

Living Irish by incognitoWolfe  via

Living Irish by incognitoWolfe

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! This is the day that in popular parlance, we’re all Irish. On the other hand, my family is actually part Irish. We never made much of it, because, well, many of the people on the East Coast are part Irish. In my hometown, it wasn’t much to think about. A good number of people were of Italian and Polish descent too.

But even in school, on March 17th we all wore something green. Shamrocks were prevalent, and even the Italian grandmas made corned beef and cabbage. Yeah, I know. It’s not really a traditional Irish dish. But it was in my house.

A corned beef brisket was purchased. One was needed big enough to feed 6 kids and my parents. After we grew up and brought our wives and husbands and our own kids to dinner, it had to get even bigger. Then there was the adding of potatoes, carrots and finally the cabbage. A boiled dinner to be sure. Then at the table after every plate held some of the repast, vinegar was passed to sprinkle over the cabbage.

Dad insisted on green beer. He didn’t just add food coloring though. He put crème de menthe in the beer. Well, it didn’t take long for us to be singing the Irish blues.

Family is the most precious thing we have. Each of those little family customs; Christmas Cards taped on the front door, Crème de Menthe put in our St. Patrick’s Day beer, ribs always on the menu of the 4th of July Barbeque, is special. No matter what your family’s tradition is, celebrate it with joy.

My second book in the Gulliver Station series, The Challenge, is the last line edit phase. The cover is done. The book will be out the end of March. Sign up for my newsletter because promotions will happen there first. See the link below.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Go ahead and sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get first dibs on any promotions, book announcements, and other information. Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here.  Use Control, Click to access the link.

I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here.  Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.

A New Start: A Gulliver Station story released January 31st! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

Kobo: Not Available Yet.

Flash Fiction Friday: We Are The Villians

Garbage by Atlantis Forester via Deviant Art

Garbage by Atlantis Forester via Deviant Art

A few months ago I saw a documentary on one man’s efforts to live without plastic. The documentary also covered plastic and how it degrades. Or more accurately, doesn’t degrade. It was a shocking expose and I tried to do without plastic in my own household. It’s close to impossible. A couple of weeks ago I came across a writing prompt that was to be used as the last line of a story: A man realizes to himself that we are the villains. Several possible stories came to mind for me but this one worked it’s way to the top of my brain.

We Are The Villains

Joel unscrewed the top of a small plastic water bottle for his four year-old daughter Cindy. “I tell you, Rich, I can’t believe the garbage men are going to strike on Monday morning.” He handed the bottle to the girl. “They already get the best salaries in the city.”

Rich, one of Joel’s friends, sipped at his glass bottle of beer. “I hear ya, buddy. I should be so lucky to get paid like that.”

“I don’t know guys.” Greg said. “I mean, they take care of garbage for a living. I’d want to get paid for doing such a nasty job.” He leaned over to unwrap the plastic from a lollipop his 5 year-old, Tanner, handed to him.

The three old high school friends were at Joel’s house for a Saturday afternoon barbeque with wives and kids.

“Ann, honey,” Joel called to his wife sitting on the patio on her extruded plastic Adirondack chairs.  “The kids are running out of water. Can you bring half a case out to put in the cooler?”

“Sure. Need anything else?” She put down her red plastic cup on the table where Rich’s wife, Piper and Greg’s wife, Lexi were sitting under the plastisized table umbrella.

Joel removed the plastic wrap from the hamburgers his wife had prepped yesterday. They sizzled as they hit the hot propane fired grill. The three men stepped back as the smoke from the grill rose into the air. Joel put the top down on the grill. “The garbage companies don’t do a good job if you ask me.” He took a long pull from his can of lite beer. “I saw a show on TV last night about these miles wide floating garbage islands in the oceans. Sheesh.” He crumpled up his can and tossed it in the plastic lined, plastic garbage can next to the grill where he had thrown the plastic wrap. “They said it’s just garbage, all kinds of plastic garbage floating there. The sea animals eat that stuff and die, cause, you know. It’s not food.”

Greg sat his beer bottle down on the grill shelf and ran over to break up a fight for the extruded plastic toy car that his three year-old, Becca, wanted from his five year-old son, Tanner.

Joel turned the burgers and called over to his wife. “Honey, burgers are nearly done.”

“OK,” she said as she put the plastic wrapped cardboard from the water bottle case in the trash can. The three women got up and went into the kitchen. They came out with a stack of plastic foam plates and plastic ware and plastic tubs of potato salad and fruit salad. They put them on the plastic tablecloth over the plastic picnic table. Hamburger buns were pulled out of plastic bags and put on another plastic foam plate.

After they ate, the tablecloth, plates and plastic ware went into the trash can along with the beer cans and bottles and red plastic cups. That night it took Joel tthree plastic bags to hold all the trash from the day’s festivities.

On Monday he put out the trash, three plastic trash cans full and drove into the city to work. By Tuesday, the garbage men’s strike was evident. The streets were lined with piles of plastic trash bags so high he couldn’t see the pedestrians on the sidewalk. He looked away in disgust as huge rats roamed freely over the piles. Trash fell out of the holes in the bags the rats had chewed and blew all over the streets.  “Unbelievable,” he muttered to himself over the radio in his one year old car. He wiped the dust from the plastic dashboard as he waited at a traffic light. “Where does all of the trash come from?”

That evening he saw on the news that the landfills were leaking toxins from the trash into the local water supply. State and Federal investigators were involved. Joel resolved to get water delivered as soon as he could call them in the morning. Getting ready for bed that night he told his wife about the water delivery idea and about the trash he saw every day on the way into work.

“Maybe we should make less trash,” she said as she applied night cream to her face with a disposable wipe.

He stopped dead in the middle of the bedroom to stare at her. He remembered the bags of trash from the party, his cardboard take out container from the burger joint around the corner from his office, the plastic water bottles, and bread wrappers. Joel felt sick to his stomach. We are the villains, he thought.

The End

777 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:

Random March Day


Saturday I celebrated my 39th wedding anniversary. Not being overly sentimental folks, it was a low key kind of thing. We went to a restaurant we haven’t been to in a long time. The last time we were there, about 2 years ago, neither of us was impressed. Giving it another try, now we like it. We had good food. Service was wonderful and there was a great big fireplace with a big fire. Awesome. We spent way too much on dinner but really, it was an anniversary.

In the gardening news arena, I finished trimming all of the rose bushes. That may seem like a minor thing. However, the bushes fight back. I have several puncture wounds from the defensive maneuvers.  I’ll live. The roses will grow back. The weeds under the roses are now vulnerable to attack. Yes! Fist Pump!

It being central Arizona, my allergies are now out of control. Despite taking two twenty four hour meds, 12 hours apart, my eyes still feel full of sand, my tongue still itches into my inner ear canals and my nose runs constantly. The assault on my immune system takes its toll. I sleep 10 or more hours per day. Productivity is at a low. For those in the Government who think allergies are a minor annoyance. Please. Take a stroll through my life. OK. Enough political bashing.

I’m well on my way to making the second book in the Gulliver Station series ready to publish. It’s in the last line edit phase. The cover is done. The book will be out the end of March. I had a one week promotion of the 1st Gulliver Station book last week. Sorry to all that missed it. If you got in on it, Yay! If you missed it, sign up for my newsletter. Another promotion may happen. See the link below. So, I should use the new cover as my blog art today, don’t you think? Do you like it? Comment below.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

Go ahead and sign up for my newsletter where you’ll get first dibs on any promotions, book announcements, and other information. Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here.  Use Control, Click to access the link.

I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here.  Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.

A New Start: A Gulliver Station story released January 31st! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!

Kobo: Not Available Yet, Yep, no idea what’s up with Kobo. All of my inquiries end with, I’m sorry, we’re really behind. Seriously, that’s an excuse for an international book seller in this day and age? If you’re annoyed, please feel free to send them an email at: