Don’t you find that when you’re busy, things like months, just fly by? Me too. Is it cliché to say that? Cliché or not, it’s true. Between the Fair at the start of the month, my broken molar and crown, and the usual life stuff like meetings, new projects, gardening and well, I’m not sure what else, it’s just flown by for me.
I’ve been trying my best to write on my 2 Year Novel project on a more regular basis. I’m over half way on that story now and liking where it’s going. I’m way behind on the lessons. I should be well into editing at this point but still writing the first draft. Shrugs. I’ll get it done and do all of the lessons. That’s all I care about. That, and getting a good story out of it.
I’ve also picked up a publishing gig for a fellow author. It’s more difficult than pubbing my own work but still, I’m glad to help her out. It’s an Historical Fiction, about a Civil War Union Surgeon and his wife who did nursing for him. Based on real people, I’ve been fascinated with the story. I also did an edit for another author friend, a lawyer procedural? Not sure what the genre is but it’s a hell of a story. So excited for her to publish it. I’ll brag it up when she releases. You all have to read this book.
Picture today is from my garden, the Fresno chilies. They look beautiful. I’m going to roast them on the grill, peel the skins away and freeze them. Won’t they be wonderful in chili’s and such all winter long?
I have scheduled a signing at the Pine Craft Fair October 11th and 12th with three other authors. I also have a speaking engagement with the Payson Soroptimist Club in November, the 12th at noon. Time to start putting my name out there and ramping up the sales.
Speaking of getting the word out, First Encounter, the first book in my new Brown Rain series released on September 18th. You can get all of the links to purchase at the end of this post. I sent out a newsletter with the announcement and an offer that’s just for newsletter subscribers. Do you want in on the action? Look below for a link to the Newsletter sign up button.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Like any author, my books sell based on reviews. Would you be interested in getting a free copy to review for me? Go to the button on the right side of the blog or go to my Newsletter tab to sign up. Or sign up here. Use Control, Click to access the link. Let me know if you’d like to be a reviewer on Goodreads or the e-tailer site of your choice.
First Encounter: a Brown Rain Story released September 18th! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy it and my other books at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!