Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour: Communities

Communities are all around us. We live in a set of communities, our family, our neighborhood, our job. These communities define our daily, physical lives. They form the framework for how we move about, how we spend our time, and even how we feel about ourselves.

Other communities are less obvious, a little less physical. There’s the community of books. I joined that community when I was in the third grade. I remember reading everything on the shelves of my classroom library. When I was twelve, I discovered the school library. I read and read and read. That community shaped my thoughts, my ideas about what the world was like outside of my home and immediate family. It allowed me to think that there was more to life than going to work and coming home to the drudgery of kids and housework.

As an adult and a writer, I have the on-line writer communities to help me learn, to socialize in, to commiserate with. I belong to two and they help me in ways that have rocketed me from my initial foray into writing to being confident enough to self-publish and to submit my stories to contests and magazines and even a couple of anthologies.

My first community is the Forward Motion group. I am so glad I followed JA Marlow’s suggestion to visit that site. It’s a goldmine of information and support. The second group is less formally organized, a Facebook group of writers helping each other, giving moral support. Both groups are scattered over the entire planet. Really, how cool is that! And unlike the old days, when writers seldom had other writers to talk to, or when they did, they corresponded by letter, we now have instant access to fellow writers.

I love being able to get on-line when I’m stuck on a grammar issue, and getting an instant answer. It’s wonderful to share a snippet of my current writing and get instant feedback on how the piece reads or sounds.

How about you? What communities are you involved in?

The Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour is sponsored by the website Forward Motion ( The tour is you, the reader, travelling the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. There are all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s always something new and different to enjoy. If you want to get to know the nearly thirty other writers check out the rest of the tour at!  Up next: Jean Schara!

Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour: Writing Characters


I think this is one of the hardest things to master as a writer. I want to write a Beowolf, Jack Ryan or Pyanfar Chanur. Instead I get half dimensional talking-heads, mouthing platitudes and engaging in dull conversation. I write characters that make a Mr. Milktoast look like Superman.

I’ve just started reading the Janet Evanovich series about Stephanie Plum. I can’t wait to get to the next book. Stephanie Plum and her supporting cast of characters are real, and I want to find out what trouble they get into next. Shoot, I want to move to New Jersey to meet her.

I want to write great characters like that; real people who my reader can’t get enough of. Characters that can carry my novel from start to finish and aren’t ever, ever boring. I’ve got a long way to go. Sometimes, I actually write a scene where my character’s personality shines through. The character, for just an instant, is real. I can’t wait until I can do that with the same skill as Tom Clancy, C.J. Cherryh or Janet Evanovich.

The Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour is sponsored by the website Forward Motion ( The tour is you, the reader, travelling the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. There are all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s always something new and different to enjoy. If you want to get to know the nearly thirty other writers check out the rest of the tour at!  Up next: Jean Schara!

Merry Go Round Blog Tour: Current Projects or Progress

Current projects, hmmm. It’s spring so I have seedlings in a south facing window, growing and getting ready to be put out in the garden. I still have to rake up the fallen pine cones, not a chore I’m especially fond of so I keep putting it off.

Fitness is another thing. I’m trying to cut more carbs from our diet and exercise more. Sigh. Cutting the carbs isn’t too hard but the exercise thing, well, it’s not going as well as I would like.

Writing, that’s going great guns. May is the month I decided to put out the book I wrote for the August 2012 Camp NaNo. I call it Recall. It’s been edited, beta read and I’m thinking since it seems to fall in the Women’s Fiction genre, it’d make a great beach read. So I’m getting it formatted and the cover done so I can get it indie published by the end of this month.

It’s also May Story a Day Challenge month. I don’t plan on writing a story a day, I’m not that good. But I wrote 6 last year so this year I’ve set myself a goal of 10. They can be any length. I need some Flash Fictions for my blog, the rest I’d like to have longer. Something I can put together in a book and self-publish.

Then there’s this blog, and my personal blog to keep up, editing my November NaNo 2012 story: TriPoint Station: Hard Choices and developing a book cover for that. I’m still up to date on the Two Year Novel course I’m taking with Lazette Gifford. That takes some time every week too. Then there’s my volunteer work (three different organizations), hiking, bunko, oh, and I’m thinking of having a booth at the local Farmer’s Market, selling homemade candy. I’m still getting the details on legal requirements for that.

I know I’m not the only one; you all have busy lives too. What’s your progress this month?

Merry Go Round Blog Tour: Routines

Routines, writing or otherwise, are something I both crave and loathe.

Don’t get me wrong. I love routine, everything from seasonal changes to the way I brush my teeth. Routine makes my life easier. The day goes by without a lot of stressful decision making. I don’t lose the car keys. I always know where my purse it. Every Saturday is spaghetti night. Easy.

Also a bit boring. So it’s a good thing I don’t have a constant routine. Something is always different. When my mom comes to visit in January, she stays in the room where our house computer is. Normally, that’s where I do my writing. But for two months a year, that’s my mom’s room and she uses the computer right when my ‘normal’ writing time is. I have to move to the dining room table. I take all my writing files and How To books with me. You guessed it; we don’t eat at the table.

Speaking of writing, I like to outline my stories, even the flash fictions. It helps me picture the story; helps me stay focused on where I’m going with it and what I’m trying to say. Except, when I don’t. Occasionally, I get an idea and just write it. Quite often the story is so pressing, I write it out by hand, in a spiral notebook. Twice, I’ve woken up with a story in my head, full blown, and I grab that notebook and start writing.

My daughter says her father and I have OCD, because we like to do things a certain way. We don’t have OCD. We have a need for the floor to be clean and to be able to find things when we want them. Things get put away or cleaned up as soon as we finish our project. It’s a learned behavior. We don’t like it and get stressed out, when we can’t find things, or things get forgotten. So, we’re organized. Our life is calm. There’s no, or at least very little, drama.

So, afternoons, my husband naps and I write. Unless we’re travelling, or hiking, or hanging out with friends, and then… Well, you get the picture.

The Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour is sponsored by the website Forward Motion ( The tour is you, the reader, travelling the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. There are all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s always something new and different to enjoy. If you want to get to know the nearly thirty other writers check out the rest of the tour at!  Up next: Jean Schara!

Merry Go Round Blog Tour for March: Writer’s Block

Writer’s block. I’ve been puzzling over this month’s prompt for weeks. The generally recognized definition is when a writer (or a painter or any other artist) sits down in front of that blank sheet of paper (or computer screen or canvas, etc.) and just can’t think of a thing.

I attended my town’s First Friday event this month and went to my favorite art gallery. This month they were doing  a color your own kite activity. I love it when they have a make and take in addition to the desserts and wine. Anyway, there was a small table set up and two pre-teens were sitting there kites already out on the table. The boy was busily drawing a blue bird with associated branches and such. The little girl was just sitting, staring at that blank, white, plastic kite. Her mother was trying various prompts to get her moving on her drawing.

Being enthusiastic about drawing, I got my kite out of its package and sat right down. There were some coloring sheets on the table, of butterflies. So, that’s what I drew on my kite, a butterfly. As her mother hovered, the girl sat there watching me begin to draw something equivalent to a 3rd grader’s efforts. That seemed to break her spell. She picked up a marker and began drawing a talking building, with trees and flowers and other buildings all around it. Was it watching someone make a fool of herself that broke the ice? I don’t know.

Have I experienced writer’s block? Sure, but in small doses. For example, a prompt for a recent contest I was interested in just left me cold. I eventually came up with a couple of ideas but they were so puny, I put them aside. Sometimes in the middle of a work, I’ll suddenly realize I don’t have a clue as to what’s supposed to happen next. I think it happens to all of us. I don’t know how other people get through it. I usually take a break, go for a walk, clear my mind of the panicked churning that’s going on and let my subconscious (or my muse) do the work. When I come back, I can focus; ask the right questions (what if? If she did this? …and then?), and get on with the process.

I did the same thing in high school and college with term papers. In that case I picked a topic (if one wasn’t assigned) and began the research process. Having some facts available to me helped. It also helped that a paper has a format: Introduction, Body, and Closing. I just needed to work in small bites to get through it. Looking at the whole thing can be daunting, not so much if it’s broken up into manageable chunks. It works for my writing too.

So, writers block. How does it affect you? What do you do to overcome it? Were any of my tricks helpful? Comments and discussion are welcome!

The Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour is sponsored by the website Forward Motion ( . The tour is you, the reader, travelling the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. There are all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s always something new and different to enjoy. If you want to get to know the nearly thirty other writers check out the rest of the tour at!  Up next: Jean Schara!

Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour for January 2013 – Goals

My goals for 2012, my first year of writing, were pretty loose: Take the Holly Lisle How to Revise Your Novel class (done!), get my 1st book published (done!) and write as much as I could.  I’ve since made some more structured commitments.  So here is what 2013 looks like so far for me, in a list form so I can check things off!



– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week): On target so far!

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly: On target so far!

– Start the Y2N class (2 years) with zette: Started! And so far so good!

– Begin revision of my August Camp NaNo story; Recall: I’m at the writing in phase of the project and it’s also going good so far.

– Start the Writers Career Business Plan Workshop: Started!


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Continue to revise Recall

– Begin outlining Short Stories


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Continue revision of Recall

– Outline more Short Stories


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Finalize Recall if I haven’t already done so

– Outline more Short Stories

– Begin outline for July NaNo


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– May Story A Day

– Submit Recall to Publisher or Self-Publish

– Begin revision of TriPoint


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Continue revision of TriPoint

– Take zette’s SciFi class (date on this is still tbd)


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Finalize TriPoint if I haven’t already done so

– Write a Vision article and submit it


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Participate in August Camp NaNo

– Begin revising short stories

– Submit TriPoint to publishers or self-publish


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Continue to revise short stories

– Begin submitting short stories to publishers

– Begin outline for November NaNo


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Continue to revise short stories

– Continue to submit short stories

– Finalize outline for November NaNo


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Participate in NaNo

– Submit short stories


– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly

– Outline short stories

– Take another class, tbd

Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour December 2012 – My Favorite Books for the Year

This month the discussion is on my favorite book or books of the year.  This last spring I was taking a course on How to Revise Your Novel (by Holly Lisle) and during one lesson she recommended a book by George R.R. Martin, The Game of Thrones. (Yes, the one that’s now an HBO series.)

I’ve been reading Science Fiction since I was twelve and for some reason, I’d never come across one of his novels.  So I get the book from the library and I was blown away.  He tells the story from the point of view of different people, each chapter from a different point of view.  This is a pretty unique way to write a story and is quite effective for this series.

What I like is that you see the same event from different perspectives and the characters have different opinions, depending on what they’re plans are, on how the event affects them.

I’m now on the fifth book of the series and all of the threads of the story are beginning to come together.  I can hardly wait to see how Mr. Martin resolves all of the differing plot lines.  If you haven’t had a chance to read this series, I recommend it.  But reader beware, there is a lot of violence in the books.

Happy Reading!

If you want to get to read about nearly twenty other writers, check out the Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour.  The next post is on the 19th by Jean Scharra