Booksweep, National Novel Writing Month, Christmas Market: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:

My Booksweeps giveaway ended on November 11th. Soon, I’ll be receiving my winner’s names and send off copies of my book, A New Start, to them. With luck, one of them will be the grand prize winner as well. I hope you’re one of the winners!

It’s National Novel Writing Month and I have written over 5,000 words. Not much given that we’re halfway through the month and I’m supposed to be shooting for 50,000 words. I’m continuing to poke at the story, but I have to be realistic and understand I may not get it done. It’s still possible, of course. At this point I’d have to write 3000 words per day. Every day. I can do that. But will I? We’ll see.

You’ve probably heard that Corona Virus rates are now sky-rocketing all across the United States and the world. Please take care to stay home when possible, wear a mask and maintain distancing when you must go out. You are all valued by friends and family. Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is over! I just checked both giveaways, Halloween and Christmas. I’ll let you know the winners and when the Christmas giveaway goes up as soon as everything is set up.

Where will I Be?

December 1st, Payson’s first ever Christmas Market, 3pm – 6pm. Sawmill Plaza Shopping Center. The market will have food, s’mores at a firepit, and lovely things to buy for your special friends and family for Christmas or birthdays. I’ll have books to sell, and sign, if you’d like. I’d love to see you there. Fully masked, of course!

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase at $.99. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Giveaway, Appearance, Wear a Mask: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:


I’ve teamed up with 30+ fantastic authors to give away a huge collection of Sci-Fi & Fantasy books to 2 lucky winners!

Oh, and did I mention the Grand Prize winner gets a BRAND NEW eReader? ? 

You can win my novel A New Start, plus books from authors like Barbara Annino and Margo Bond Collins.

The give away ends on November 11th.  Enter the giveaway by clicking here ?

I have scheduled an appearance! It will be December 1st, at the Payson, AZ, Sawmill Plaza shopping center from 3pm to 6pm at our new Christmas Market.

You’ve probably heard that Corona Virus rates are now sky-rocketing all across the United States and the world. Please take care to stay home when possible, wear a mask and maintain distancing when you must go out. You are all valued by friends and family. Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is over! I’ll let you know the winners and when the Christmas giveaway goes up as soon as everything is set up.

Where will I Be?

December 1st, Payson’s first ever Christmas Market, 3pm – 6pm. Sawmill Plaza Shopping Center.

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase at $.99. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Giveaway, Speaking Engagement, Vote!: Monday Blog Post

Runs from November 2nd through November 11th

Newest News:

Today, I have a fun surprise to share with you…

I’ve teamed up with 30+ fantastic authors to give away a huge collection of Sci-Fi & Fantasy books to 2 lucky winners!

Oh, and did I mention the Grand Prize winner gets a BRAND NEW eReader? ? 

You can win my novel A New Start, plus books from authors like Barbara Annino and Margo Bond Collins.

The give away starts on November 2nd so I’ll post the link here, then. It only lasts 10 days. See my Facebook and Twitter and even my Instagram pages for announcements.

My Pine, Friends of the Library meeting, was a great success. What a lovely, and friendly, group of people. Everyone stayed masked and separated, and we had a wonderful chat about how I started writing and what I write about. I don’t have any more events yet though my town is starting an evening, Christmas Fair type market. I may get a spot there, I’ll let you know.

If you haven’t already, here’s a reminder to vote on November 3rd.

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is over! You can check it out at: I’ll let you know the winners and when the Christmas giveaway goes up as soon as everything is set up.

Where will I Be?

Nothing so far. I’ll let you know when something pops up.

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase at $.99. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Advertising, Speaking Engagement, Giveaway: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:

My Amazon advertising course officially ends today. Lessons ended last week but the course facebook group and the expert advice ran through today, not only to allow those who entered late or were working more slowly to catch up, but so that we could see how the ads performed. Mine seem to be doing pretty well, with a handful of sales taking place. Not big money at this point but it does show that the ads work and I have enough advice from the host of the training to make the ads better. It was quite an eye-opening course so I’m eager to make ads for my other books and series.

Just a reminder to vote on November 3rd if you haven’t already.

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is still up! You can check it out at: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. This is on! Because cooler weather has arrived in Rim Country, the event has been moved to the Library’s meeting room. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing. Social distancing and mask wearing will be the fashion. See you there!

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase at $.99. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Health, Advertising, Giveaway: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:

I’m still recovering from the surgery I had on October 1st. Incisions are healing nicely. Broken toe is also healing, though I still need to keep it taped to the toe next to it. My follow up appointment for the surgery is scheduled for November. No lifting till then.

I didn’t work writing last week as I am taking a course on how to do Amazon Ads. It’s intense, extremely fast paced and I’m learning a lot! Categories, keywords, the reports Amazon makes available and how to use them. My brain is a bit fried, to be honest. Monday and Tuesday are the last two days of the course but I’m all in. I had a sale, over the weekend, of Mystery at the Fair, the book I decided to use for these exercises, which I attribute to the ads. I’m stoked!

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is up! You can check it out at: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. This is on! It will be held at the ramada next to the Pine Thrift Store. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing. Social distancing and mask wearing will be the fashion. See you there!

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase at $.99. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Health, Cozy Mystery: Monday Blog Post

Widgeons at our local park

Newest News:

I’m still recovering from the surgery I had on the 1st. Incisions are at the itching stage of healing, and I’m restricted from lifting anything for a few weeks yet. Broken toe is also healing, though I still need to keep it taped to the toe next to it. Between the two issues, there’s no exercise for me which kind of sucks because the weather has cooled down and every day right now is just gorgeous. It would be great to walk around the neighborhood but while the mind is willing, the body isn’t ready.

I didn’t work much on writing. The healing process involves naps in the afternoon and that cuts into my writing time. No worries though, I’ll be working on Mystery at the Reunion soon.

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is up! You can check it out at: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. This is still on! It will be held at the ramada next to the Pine Thrift Store. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing. Social distancing and mask wearing will be the fashion. See you there!

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Published, Health, 5th Cozy Mystery?: Monday Blog Post

Cover designed by J.A. Marlow

Newest News:

Hooray! This week’s big news. I received the Creature in the Night cover from my designer. It’s just lovely. Then, Saturday, I went ahead and published the story. I did something different. I posted it in Kindle Unlimited. So, for those of you who subscribe to that service, there it is. If you don’t, it’s only 0.99 to purchase. The link above will take you right to the sale page. If you do read it, a review would be so helpful. Then, there are links in the story to go to my other fantasy stories or you may want to branch out into my SciFi, my Cozy Mysteries, or something else. I hope you enjoy it.

Last Thursday I had abdominal surgery. To be honest, I’m not moving around very quickly as I recover. Hubby is a gem and is doing the cooking and cleaning and fetching for me as I struggle to get up out of chairs. Recovery should be swift. Even today I feel better which is a good thing. The extra strength Tylenol probably helps. The surgery was out-patient, so don’t worry. More stories are coming.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned that I’ve been working on my 4th cozy mystery, Mystery at the Reunion. I have had to do a lot of chapter shuffling and I don’t think I have it right yet. I’m also adding scenes from Jean’s time in Afghanistan. All of that work has created a large number of continuity errors, all of which must be fixed. At any rate. I am working on it and will get it out as soon as I can. In the meantime, National Novel Writing Month is just over three weeks away. I don’t have any ideas yet for a new story, well, not exactly true, something is percolating in the back of my mind for another Jean Hays story. We’ll see how that goes.

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Halloween giveaway is up! You can check it out at: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. This is still on! It will be held at the ramada next to the Pine Thrift Store. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing. Social distancing and mask wearing will be the fashion. See you there!

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Critters in the Yard, Hurt Back, Creature in the Night: Monday Blog Post

You can see one branch stripped but the rest of the tree is fine.

Newest News:

I’m reporting more critters in the yard, some nice, some destructive. I have a better picture of the birds in my basil. Turns out they’re gold finches. Cute, and there’s still lots of basil seed for me to gather for next year’s planting.

Goldfinch eating basil seed. There’s one below and to the left, sitting in the dried out arugula stems, probably eating the arugula seed.

The front yard apple tree, attacked last week, was decimated, probably early Sunday morning. Above is the picture from the earlier attack and below, my poor tree when I got up Sunday morning. The elk probably did the damage and they eat the little apple producing buds so again, for another couple of years, no apples for me. I’m also still harvesting the abundance of zucchini and yellow squash. I found a recipe today for zucchini ravioli. No pasta, just zucchini as the shell and stuffed with seasoned ricotta. It will be on the menu in the next few days.

Poor tree. all the branches stripped.

Critters in the Yard, Hurt Back, Creature in the Night: Monday Blog Post

Has it only been a week since I broke my toe? I did see the doc. They took x-rays. It’s fractured. The primary care doc referred me to a podiatrist, but everyone had said there’s not much to do about it but what I did immediately after breaking it. Buddy taping, the primary doc called it. So I declined the referral and am just going on about my days, hobbling around. Then on Thursday, yep, that’s right, just a week after the broken toe, I felt good enough to start a beginning yoga class on a Youtube channel. That morning, I “tweaked” my back by shifting slightly in the bathroom while brushing my teeth. I didn’t think much of it other than the yoga may stretch out the injury. Because of my toe I skipped difficult floor exercises and did mostly chair yoga. Ha! Silly woman. By 11am I was in big pain so laid down and napped for nearly 4 hours. Could barely move by the time I got up. Hubby thinks it was damage from limping around. I don’t know. All I do know is that between my toe and my back, sleeping is mainly an on again off again struggle.

I mentioned last week that I have been coordinating with my cover designer for Creature in the Night. We’ve selected the major art, see above, to provide the feeling of “poor little girl” and “mystery”. Since the story is Halloween, Christmas, Fantasy, we’re trying for a mix of all three between the art and the font choices. This is a semi-final product.

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Summer giveaway has ended! My winner for Prize 1: an ebook copy of Mystery at the Fair, is Mary Preston. She’s already received her book. Prize 2: an Amazon gift card, was sent to Lisa Christoph. She’s already received her gift. I just want to thank everyone who participated. All of us authors truly appreciate it.

The Halloween giveaway is up! You can check it out at: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing.

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Gold Dreams released May 13th, 2019. It is up on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, (Direct link doesn’t work, copy the URL and paste it into your browser, or go directly to and search for Gold Dreams, Connie Cockrell), and Smashwords. The print version is available on Amazon. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Designer Mask, Broken Toe, Creature in the Night: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I ordered a mask with my author logo on it. It finally came in. That’s in in the above picture. I think I’ll use that for my avatar picture, at least for a while, on my Facebook page and elsewhere. Who knows when I’ll do another signing, but if I do, I may wear this mask.

Just as I was ramping up my exercise, last Thursday I slammed my bare foot into my recliner and broke the 4th toe on my right foot. Sigh. It’s crooked, so I went to the doc to see if he’d set it back into the correct position. He looked at it without touching it—commented that I did the right thing by taping it to the 3rd toe and sent me to get Xrays. Since it was late Friday afternoon, it will be today (Monday) before anything will be done about it. Aggravating.

I have been coordinating with my cover designer for Creature in the Night. I’m excited to see what the designer comes up with. Covers are just so exciting. I’m hoping to have the story up on Kindle Unlimited before Halloween. Stay tuned for release information.

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Summer giveaway has ended! I’ll be posting my winners as soon as the organizer gets them sorted out.

The Halloween giveaway is up! You can check it out at: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing.

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Gold Dreams released May 13th, 2019. It is up on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, (Direct link doesn’t work, copy the URL and paste it into your browser, or go directly to and search for Gold Dreams, Connie Cockrell), and Smashwords. The print version is available on Amazon. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.

Creature in the Night, Gardening, Lifestyle Change: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:

I’m working on formatting Creature in the Night for publishing on Kindle Unlimited. I’ve contacted a cover designer I know about getting an ebook cover done up. The cover is the thing that will take the longest to get done. I use Vellum, for those interested, to do my formatting and it hardly takes any time at all to do. Even less time than I usually take because I’m just doing an Amazon ebook, not trying to do a print version or cover any other sales site. Perhaps up by the end of the month for .99? Fun!

I’m still eating zucchini. I found a recipe for a summer squash casserole and we tried it last night. Delish. Hubby liked it too. This weekend the garden decided to ripen tomatoes. That’s my gathering basket with the morning’s pickings. Hope you’re luxuriating in your garden produce or have a chance to hit up your local farm stands and farmer’s markets for the best of the season.

I also have a few native Arizonan plants in my garden. One is a climbing plant. Beans. I’ve lost the packet so I don’t know the variety. I caught a picture, poor because a breeze was blowing. It has tiny purple bean flowers and cute little bean pods.

Dropped to about 212 this last week. This is my one month anniversary for the diet and I’ve lost 18 pounds. I’m settling into my eating pattern of green juice for breakfast and lunch with a paleo dinner in the evening. I actually like the green juice. I’ve always liked bitter greens and celery, so juicing them works very well for me. If you’re following along with me, yay for you. I hope it’s going well. Drop a comment below if you’d like to share your story!

Stay safe. Stay well.


The Summer giveaway has ended! I’ll be posting my winners as soon as the organizer gets them sorted out.

That means, the Halloween giveaway is going up! I’ll put the link up as soon as she gets it to me. You can check it out here: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.

Where will I Be?

Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing.

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Gold Dreams released May 13th, 2019. It is up on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, (Direct link doesn’t work, copy the URL and paste it into your browser, or go directly to and search for Gold Dreams, Connie Cockrell), and Smashwords. The print version is available on Amazon. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.