
I love this time of year in the garden. Everything is started and growing well. The peas are expanding their pods and I’m eager to start picking them. The tomatoes and the eggplant are blooming and the squashes and melons are lifting their leaves up to the sun and growing an inch or more a day.

The lettuce and spinach have just about quit. The 90 degree days are too much for them. The swiss chard is doing well though and is a great substitute for spinach.

I still need to get some basil in because you just have to have basil to go with the tomatoes. The thyme is blooming and the oregano is just about ready to bloom. Good thing I cut and dried them already. The sage is just lovely. I planted a variety that has gold blotches on the leaves and it looks so pretty in the bed.

My peach tree has a lot of fruit on it though the pear tree has only a few pears. Peaches are my husband’s favorite so he’s looking forward to peach cobbler, canned peaches, peach salsa and of course, fresh peaches.

All I can say is, yum!

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