Flash Fiction Friday: Water From Meteorites

As you can see from my previous post, I just finished reading The Tokaido Road. Japanese culture has always fascinated me and the book really put me right into Japan just as the Europeans were discovering the country. As I was finishing the book, I read a science article about water being discovered in Martian meteorites. I tried to draft a short story about water in meteorites but it just wasn’t working for me. So, not wanting to give the idea up so quickly, decided to try a haiku about water and meteorites. Now a haiku is pretty short, and just one haiku seemed a little chincy to me so I wrote four of them, which you will find below.

Haiku’s are short poems, originally Japanese. They are formed in a strict format; 1st line is 5 syllables, 2nd line 7 syllables and last line 5 syllables. In the Japanese form it’s customary for the poem to have a seasonal reference. English language versions may not stick to that seasonal reference. Haiku’s should also be a sensory experience and be objective rather than subjective. There’s a lot more about Haiku and you can look into it yourselves if you’re interested in this poetic form.

Water From Metorites

1. Meteorites fly,

Silently through space, water full,

Crushing, we drink all.


2. Through lonely black space,

Meteorites of water pass,

Thirsty, we claim them.


3. Rocks pass through vast space,

Grasping, we gather, crushing,

Drinking, we rejoice.


4. Water, stuff of life,

Lurking in meteorites,

In space, hard to get.


Total words: 47

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:http://www.fmwriters.com/flash.html

Flash Fiction Friday Story: C5

I found out after I wrote C5 that today is also National Poetry Day.  What a nice coincidence.  Today’s offering is what’s sometimes called narrative poetry.

It’s so heavy.

Accepting so much steel and the small, squishy bits that control that steel.

It’s wings droop, loaded with the responsibility for getting the war machine from point A to point B.

The red lights wave, signalling it’s time to go.

But it’s so heavy.

It rolls so slowly, ponderously, across the tarmac to the point where it will begin its run.

Engines wind up, roaring until the ground shakes.

Squishy bits in their sleep awake, willing the beast into the air – pushing it higher with their thoughts.

A sigh of relief when it lifts off the runway; they subside into their slumber.

The sound of freedom fades into the distance.

The end

113 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:http://www.fmwriters.com/flash.html