I’m prepping for July’s Camp NaNo and have scheduled all of my Friday Posts until the middle of August. This is the last one I’ve completed. It takes on a Narrative Poem feel. Using a picture posted on http://sethsnap.com/2013/06/24/your-story-the-queens-request/ as a prompt, this is the story I’ve come up with.
Grazing At Dawn
The deer grazed in the dawn light,
Mist softening the edges of the early morning.
The farmer started his truck; beginning his work day.
The browser’s heads shot skyward,
Ears pricked forward, alert to any danger.
They watched the farmer drive by, shrouded in the mist.
Not a threat, they bent their heads down again,
Eating their fill before going to their rest.
The End
63 Words
Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:http://www.fmwriters.com/flash.html