I swiped this idea from Briana Soloski, who blogs on Girl Seeks Place. During the week, she shares all kinds of ideas on writing, her life, books and so many other things. A few days ago, she did life: five things I love & five things you love. The idea is that I will share five things I love and then, in the comments, you share five things you love in those same categories. Name a food you absolutely love – I love pasta, but a few years ago I was diagnosed as Celiac. I was crushed! No more pasta? But then I found rice pasta. No more cravings! Name an activity you love – I love hiking. And backpacking. Especially if I can get out alone. There’s just nothing like walking through a forest, or across the top of a mountain, just me and the environment. Name a television show you love – This is a tough one for me because I love to watch TV. Some of the current faves are: The Walking Dead, CSI (any and all of them), any SciFi show (current ones are Revolution and Continuum), and Castle (because who doesn’t love Nathan Fillion?) Name an author or book you love – I started really reading when I was twelve and discovered that the school library would let me borrow books. I discovered Sci Fi when I was 13. I’ve never stopped. I love Sci Fi and Fantasy. Greatest authors include Heinlein, Asimov, Clark, CJ Cherryh, Andre Norton and, and, and,…… Name a hobby that you love – My list of hobbies tried and liked is long. This includes cheese making, oil painting, sewing, greeting card making, cooking, gardening, weaving, and reading. The biggies right now are reading, weaving, and reading. What are five things you love? Come on, don’t be shy, post yours in the comments section. |