I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday. My daughter gave me a gift certificate for a massage. I love having a massage but I’m too cheap to buy one for myself. So many thanks to the girl for an excellent gift. I called my Mom. My oldest brother and his wife were there for a visit. She’d already been to breakfast with the second brother and was getting ready to go to dinner with the third brother. My sister, who lives in Florida, had already called her. I was the last one to check in. We had a nice long chat, over an hour.
This month I’m continuing the writing habit with my writing site’s May Story a Day. I’ve committed to writing at least 10 stories this month. In addition, I’ve challenged myself to write at least 1K of words per day in new writing five days per week. I’m doing well with both challenges. I have six short stories written already and have moved forward on a novel I’m writing in my Two Year Novel class. I finished the final edit for my next book to be released, Hard Choices. Now it’s time to get that puppy formatted and released. The last book in the series, Revolution, still needs to be edited. Busy, busy, busy.
The weather is warming up. I put a purchased tomato plant in the garden two days ago and it’s doing just fine. Time to get the rest of the garden in.
Saturday my hubby and I attended a Classic Corvette car show. One of our friends was displaying his car in the show. That’s a pic of his car at the top of the post. A lot of people were there enjoying the day. Then we went to the Wildlife fair in Green Valley park. In addition to various vendors, several organizations brought animals that people could pet as well as raptors, snakes, and other critters. The fair rented kayaks for people to paddle around the pond in and fishing poles for kids to try their hand at fishing. The park was full of families having a good time outdoors.
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I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here. Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.
The Challenge: A Gulliver Station Story, released March 23rd! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!
You’ve a busy writing schedule, Connie – gruelling is the word, I would use.
All good wishes and keep steaming ahead 🙂
Thanks, Eric.