Thanks to Hollyquery at for nominating my blog for the Liebster Award. I am very honored and appreciate the recognition. Every little bit of validation inspires me to keep on writing, so thank you!
The Liebster Award is intended for new blogs (particularly those with 200 or less followers) to raise their profile awareness. According to the rules I have to post 11 random facts about myself, answer 11 questions, make up 11 more questions, and then nominate 11 more blogs!
So here goes…
-I’m the oldest of six children
-I was the first person in my family to graduate High School
-I was the first person in my family to go to college and graduate with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree
-I spent 20 years in the US Air Force, retiring as a Master Sergeant
-I’ve become more afraid of heights the older I get
-I like backpacking
-I hate rats
-I have severe allergies
-I love pasta
-I think everyone should volunteer somewhere for something to give back to the community
-I wish I had red hair
Here are the questions I have to answer:
Which author would you most like to emulate? I’m not sure I want to emulate anyone but I’d like to have the book volume of James Patterson, the smarts of Issac Asimov, the attention to detail of Robert Heinlein and the sheer imagination of C.J. Cherryh.
What book are you reading at the moment? A Passage To India by E.M. Forster
Who was your favourite James Bond? (sorry I need to know – conducting research) Of the old Bonds, Sean Connery, but my absolute fav is the current Bond, Daniel Craig
What is the next item on your bucket list? I don’t have a particular order but a couple are: Visit Australia and New Zealand.
Do you have a pet peeve? Yes. Children with smart mouths.
If you could live the life of any fictional character, who would it be? That’s tough. Most fictional characters are going through a pretty tough patch, which is why we like to read about them. Ummm, Pyanfar Chanur. She’s smart, quick, inspires loyalty, and honest. (See CJ Cherryh’s Pride of Chanur)
Dog or cat lover? Dogs, can’t go hiking with cats.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? Another tough one, I’m really pretty content with myself. Maybe if I was a little smarter?
Favourite holiday destination? I don’t have a favorite. I love to go just about anywhere. We’re currently exploring the American Southwest, specifically, Arizona.
The best ice-cream flavour ever invented is …? Vanilla. You can top it with anything!
Ebook or Printed book? Printed book though there’s a place for e-books too.
Here are the questions for the nominees:
What would you say first inspired you to try writing?
Do you listen to music or other aural ambiance while you write?
If you could only visit one more place in the world, where would it be?
eBook or printed book?
Traditional Publishing or Self-publishing?
In two words or less, how would you describe your sense of humor?
If your current novel were made into a movie, who would you cast as the lead?
Who is your favorite fictional character?
Do you dress up for Halloween?
What are you reading at the moment?
What is your favorite quote?
And the nominees are as follows:
(Disclaimer: I have no idea how to tell how many followers a certain person has (unless their “newbie wart” is blatantly obvious). So, I’m just going to link to a few I have found and enjoyed)