Newspaper Article, Corona Update, Sourdough Update, Giveaway: Monday Blog Post

Newest News:

It’s a slow news week here in my household. There’s nothing on the calendar for me at all!

I forgot to tell you that I wrote an article for the Payson Roundup for Sunshine Week last week. Sunshine week is about our media; newspapers, tv, radio, etc., being an essential element of our democracy. The paper posted it as a Letter to the Editor, but it was published, so hooray on that.

As I expected, by early last week the husband and I felt just fine after our second Moderna shot. Now we have one more week to wait for the two-week safe time, before we can start returning to normal life. We are thinking about taking a day trip to the Petrified Forest with my brother-in-law and a hiking friend who’ve never been there. First outing in over a year!

The gluten-free flour sourdough bread turned out just okay. I gave it extra rising time and a warmer rising spot. It tasted of sourdough but was still kind of dense. I’m marking that batch down as almost a win. I may try a pizza crust with it next and see how that works out.

Please be careful out there. Weather can turn nasty, accidents can happen, illness can overtake us. Till we can meet in person, stay at home when you can and wear a mask when you go out.


The St. Patrick’s Day giveaway over. As soon as the administrator pulls the winners, I’ll let you know who won.

Our Spring giveaway is starting soon. New with this giveaway is a video graphic to show the books and prizes. How cool is this! Big thanks to Lynn Lamb, one of our administrators, for this lovely graphic. Check out the link at to enter.

Where will I Be?

On May 13th at 2pm Arizona time, I’ll be on the podcast with Laurie Fagan on her show, AZ Creates. It’s a lovely podcast and as soon as I have the link for my interview, I’ll put it up. In the meantime, enjoy her show at Note, Karen Landau is a mystery author right here in my town! How great is that!

Newsletter Sign Up:

Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!

Newest Releases:

Creature in the Night, a short Halloween, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Fantasy story has been published. It is up on Amazon, in Kindle Unlimited or for purchase at $.99. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe, I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.