Goals for the Week

Goals, the things I want to get done. It’s been so hectic this week I don’t want to even look at my monthly writing goals so I’m just focusing on this week.

I am continuing to revise the work in progress (WIP) that I’m calling Recall. I had another critique come in yesterday so I have a lot of work still to do on the story.

I’m also trying to e-publish a short story. The story is done. Since I’m new to self publishing e-books and stories, I spent 4 hours yesterday following an e-pub style guide to put my story in a format that e-books can use. I’m going to have to go back to the hyperlinks I established. I don’t think they’re right. I also have to make a cover. You know, a book cover, so the story can be identified on the various e-seller sites. I’m stuck on that as I don’t seem to have the proper software for the template I have. Once that is resolved, the template will help me make a very nice cover. But that’s going to take some time, maybe the whole rest of the week.

Another writing goal is to get my Flash Fiction Friday story for this week written. Fortunately I have some outlines already finished. I just need time to sit down and focus on getting the story on paper. Some weeks I have a story already done by now but that’s not the case this week.

I’m also involved in two separate on-line writing classes, so there’s those to be done as well.

Complicating things, my mom is here for a visit (Hi, Mom!) and I want to go have some fun with her. We’re going to the Phoenix Zoo on Thursday. I’m looking forward to it, it’s a great zoo.

So, everyone hang with me. Lot’s to do and only 24 hours in a day.