Merry Go Round Blog Tour – Research

Research, investigations, searching. It’s all part and parcel of being a writer. Even if it’s nothing more than going to some baby name sites to pick a character’s name.

I like doing research. It’s fun to learn how something works, or where a thing comes from, or how something was made. History too. It’s fascinating to me to look at the background of a country. I’m working on a novel now that had me look up the history of Demre, Turkey, Vikings and ancient religions. What a hoot!

Of course, I loved going to the library and doing research when I was in school too. There’s something very restful about being in a library. Now of course, I can do my investigating from my computer desk with a cup of tea in hand. And, get more information. We’re no longer limited to what’s on the shelves at our local library. The bad part is the ease of research now means that it’s easy to get distracted by the linked information. I often have to remember what I’m actually looking for and get back on track.

So how do you research?

The Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour is sponsored by the website Forward Motion ( The tour is you, the reader, travelling the world from author’s blog to author’s blog. There are all sorts of writers at all stages in their writing career, so there’s always something new and different to enjoy. If you want to get to know the nearly thirty other writers check out the rest of the tour at!  Up next: Jean Schara!

4 thoughts on “Merry Go Round Blog Tour – Research

  1. I enjoy researching as well. I like reading all the small two paragraph news stories from around the world. I often find a spark of an idea from what’s going on. Any excuse to watch TV, but watching programmes in the genre you write is a good feel for story, pace and reveal.

    I stumbled across some police blogs as well that have loads of background details around cases and general life in the police force. Trouble is spending too much time researching and not enough time writing!

    • Thanks Pete. Same here on time spent in research. One great article leads to others until you end up reading about something that is so distantly related to your original search that you have to smack your own head.

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