How’d I do on my April Goals

I’m a little late with this. I like to post on Monday, but this will do.  So how did I do with my April writing goals?

– Write 4 Flash Fiction Friday Stories (one per week)

I wrote 6 and scheduled them to release on because I needed to keep my head clear for working on the April Camp NaNo. More on this in a minute.

– Update my Blog and Facebook Fan page (Both are titled ConniesRandomThoughts) weekly


– Finalize Recall if I haven’t already done so

Done. In May I need to format it (for both book and ebook) and design a cover for it.

– Outline more Short Stories

Done. They’re ready for May’s Story A Day.

Other stuff.

1. When I developed this list I didn’t know April would be a NaNo month. So, I drafted the 1st of my TriPoint Space Station series (the 3rd book was done in November 2012). There will be 4 books in this series. I may have some short stories for this station as well that may come out as a book. I have to see how it all goes.

2. I completed the April NaNo, 50,000 words! It was a tough one. I couldn’t get my head into the story.

3. Umm, that’s it. I was mainly focused on NaNo pretty much to the exclusion of everything else.

Let’s see how May turns out!