Tomorrow will be the halfway point for the April Camp National Novel Writing Month, . So far I have finished a novelette and two short stories. I’m now working on my novel, still unnamed but it’s a fantasy. I set my goal for 50K words and as of Sunday afternoon, I’m over 21,000words. There’s still a lot of writing to be done!
I bought fresh seeds today. I can plant cold hardy stuff like peas and beans now. The rest will have to wait for warmer weather. My Meyer lemon tree has another round of blossoms coming. This is the third time it’s blossomed since January. I have some tiny lemons growing from the last flush. Hopefully I’ll get more on this go round.
I have to go to the dentist on Wednesday, I have a tooth ache under a crown. The dentist says I need a root canal. Yay me! A root canal. Anyway, I’ve had this ache for about a month; it’s time to get it taken care of.
I bought To Our Children’s Children: Preserving Family Histories for Generations to Come by Bob Greene and D.G. Fulford a very long time ago. It’s a list of questions around the person’s personal data, family life, work life, ancestory and so on. I dug it out of my book case and began asking my mother questions from the book. If I ask a few questions every day, (I call her everyday anyway) soon I’ll have enough information to put a memoir together for her. I’m liking this project.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
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I have an in depth interview on my Smashwords Author page. You can read it here. Don’t see information about me you’d like to know? Leave me your question in my comments and I’ll try to answer it.
The Challenge: A Gulliver Station Story released March 23rd! I’m pretty excited about it. You can buy at: Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords today!
all the best!
Thanks for stopping by, sharmishtha.
21,000 words in half a month – that’s remarkable, Connie – what with life and all.
That root canal thingy is something we can all do without.
All good wishes,
Thanks, Eric. It was a long time in the dentist’s chair and several hours of recooperation. I did manage to get my NaNo words in for the day, despite the interruption. Did it in 2 parts. Majority before the root canal and the rest, 9 hours later before I went to bed. Many thanks for the stop by.