It’s the end of the year and that always makes me a little depressed. I call it the end of the year blues.
I look back and think about what I’ve actually accomplished. Am I really living? Could I have done anything differently?
I think it’s just the short days, that make me depressed. After all, I’ve taken several writing classes, published my first book, traveled, visited with friends, hiked, back packed, volunteered, read books, played, loved and generally enjoyed life. What more could I possibly want?
I don’t know. Sometimes it just feels like something is missing though for the life of me I can’t figure out what it could be. So, now, the days are already getting longer, and I’ve got so many plans for 2013 that I can hardly believe I can fit it all in.
That’s what I need, I guess, lot’s of plans, enthusiasm for new classes, new places to go, my mom coming to visit. I’m done looking back, it’s over with and can’t be changed. Now, it’s time to look forward. There’s a brand new shiny year starting tomorrow.
I can hardly wait.