After the Fair

Starting on September 4th, I was fully engaged in the Northern Gila County Fair.  Luckily I wore my hiking boots because I’m pretty sure I put in many miles each day from the 4th until the 9th, walking, walking, walking.  

This was my first year as the VP Exhibits Tent.  Whew,  It’s like putting on a party for several thousand people and it’s a lot of work.  Most notable, I learned how to use and fuss with, swamp coolers.  Getting the water hooked up, getting the 3 coolers to work, learning how to keep them from flooding all over the tent floor, lots of fun!

The weather was wet and rainy the first day of the fair.  It was like being at the fair in Fulton-Montgomery County (the Fonda Fair!) in upstate New York.  Almost made me homesick.  Despite the rain, approximately 1200 elementary school kids came charging through the fair grounds, teachers gamely trying to keep their little charges in line and not touching the displays.  

Best of all, I finally had time to get to know the various Superintendents of each department.  Hobbies and Handicrafts, Canning, Baking, Fine Arts, Home Arts, Photography, Horticulture, Agriculture, Floriculture and unique to this state, the School Exhibits.  Such nice people and all of them wanting to make their Department’s exhibits the best they can be.  

We talked all weekend about our selves, our families, and most of all, how to make next year’s fair even better.  

I’m looking forward to working with them again!

Labor Day

I’m retired.  And I like it.  That doesn’t mean I don’t work though.

I volunteer with the Phoenix Chapter of the Project Management Institute where I am a credentialed Project Manager and the Director of Member Services.  I keep my hand in just to stay in touch with the business world and stay abreast of changes in Project Management.  Anyone who knows me understands how much being a Project Manager fits me.  All of that organization!

I also am a 4-H leader.  I spent until my 18th birthday in the 4-H when I was a kid.  It gave me all kinds of skills I use to this day.  I also enjoy showing kids how to do something so I have a club that does cooking, sewing, crafts and gardening.  They learn and have fun and I learn and have fun.

Another volunteer role is as a member of the Northern Gila County Fair board.  The fair is the 6 – 9th of September. Yep, just a few days away.  My week is going to be very busy.  I enjoy doing it because I love going to the fair.  The kids and farm families showing off their livestock, country women showing off their jam, jelly and baking skills, backyard gardeners sharing the exotic varieties of produce.  My husband is entering 3 pictures in the Photography Department this year.  All sorts of wonderful talent coming out from all over the county!

I do have a small paying job; I’m a GED test examiner for the Gila County Education folks.  Nothing tickles me more than people who have decided to go ahead and finally get their High School diploma.  It takes a lot of guts and the test is hard!  Don’t let anyone kid you.  My mom got her GED when my third brother (I have 4!) graduated High School.  We all joke that they graduated together.

But I’m retired, it’s not all work.  I go hiking, backpacking, I garden and do crafts.  First Friday is a time for my husband and I to join friends at the local art gallery, meeting other friends and looking at all of the fantastic artistic talent in town.

Of course, I spend a couple of hours a day writing, or at least engaging in some sort of writing business.  If anyone remembers Maslow, I’ve reached the self-actualization step in his hierarchy of needs.

So here is to everyone, enjoying their Labor Day weekend or who have to work.  May you all be able to reach your self-actualization goals

August NaNo Finished


I wrote over 3000 words yesterday to finish my August National Novel Writing Month (NaNo for short).  It finished with about 50,600 words, the working title is Recall.  I like the way it ended but even while I was writing it I was taking notes on places that I need to fact check, reword  or generally make more descriptive.   The title needs work too.

That will come later, December or January.  I need space from it right now to give me better perspective on it later.

Now, I can focus on Flash Fiction Friday, preparing my outline for the November NaNo and next week, I’m the Northern Gila County Fair VP of Exhibits.  I’ll be very busy next week!

August Camp NaNoWriMo

I began the August Camp NaNoWriMo yesterday.  I felt pretty good about it.  My outline was done, my notes about the other characters and motivations was done.  I began writing from my outline cards and had all of my notes and thoughts about each scene at my fingertips.  What a joy.  No groping around, wondering, What Next?  All in all, in two sittings, I had 2469 words done, 3 chapters.

This afternoon, I’ll charge on, maybe another 2400 words?


Well, I thought I was drafting a post on being stuck in the middle of my plot outline.  I wrote 563 words on it, then tried to publish it.  It just disappeared, no saved draft, nothing.  It kept telling me it was an invalid post, and when I tried to get help to figure out what that meant, the whole thing went poof!

Not that it was an important post.  Mainly it was me talking myself through my current block outlining my next story.  I’ve got some things settled in my head but I thought it was a good blog post, so I’m sorry it’s gone.  No, there’s no way I can retype it.  It was totally off the cuff, thinking out loud.

Oh well.  Back to writing.

Outlining or Story Planning

In the few months I’ve been at this writing thing, I’ve heard that many writer’s decry the use of outlining or planning their stories.  At my daughter’s first challenge to me last November the very first thing I did was find an easy to read and understand book on how to write a story.

I’m happy to say I found it, Story Engineering, Mastering the 6 Core Competencies of Successful Writing by Larry Brooks.  At 278 pages it was short enough to read quickly and better yet, he had a step by step planning process for getting a story written.

His book is where I heard the term “pantser” for the first time.  It refers to the writer who proceeds into their story with no plan, by the seat of their pants.  I suppose I could do that but it seems to me that a lot of extra time would be required to get to the end of the book or story if you don’t know what you want the end to look like.  Lots of “pantsers” disagree, they feel it’s more creative to write freely.  Personally I like to have an idea of what I’m writing to, a game plan.  It makes me feel better.

There are other books and websites and resources you can go to get planning your story advice.  I’ve learned two other methods since I read Mr. Brooks book.  Each one has built on the last and added more depth and detail and different ways to do things.  Eventually, I’ll find my own rhythm for plotting out my next opus.

So, the point of this little blog post is that I’m outlining, at least I am when I’m not delaying the process by typing a blog entry instead.  I hope to have it ready for the 2012 November National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

In case you think I’m just putting off writing the story, let me reassure you.  I have another outline already finished for the August NaNoWriMo and 2 short stories being revised.  Lots of work going on here.

Write Well!


In the 9 months since I’ve taken up writing I’ve found the most amazing writer friends.  One group is cozy, just a Facebook page but oh so encouraging.  Right now we’re engaged in a 250 word per day challenge.  We post each day our word totals and perhaps a word or two of what those words were about.  A story, a blog, a diary entry, it doesn’t matter as long as we are putting words to paper.

The other group I belong to is a little more organized. They have a web site, lots of members, several chat rooms.  This is a great group too and just as encouraging as the first group.

So, if you’re writing, for a long time or just starting out, I encourage you to join a group.  One or more, that are positive, encouraging and have the experience to help mentor you along your new found way.

Having a Story Critiqued

It’s hard, letting a story go out into the world.  You think you have a good story.  You think you have all of the bases covered but no.  Not only don’t you have them covered, you never heard of them before, or at least never thought of them as a problem.

You might think that I had a story rejected. It’s not as cool as that. I had a story torn to shreds on a writer’s site.  It was done with courtesy and kindness and it was entirely right. It sucked, big time.

So, there is a new writers life.  Not all million dollar royalties. No prize for best first novel of the year. (And an as aside, how the hell do they do that, best first novel of the year? Are they some kind of genius?  Am I jealous? Hell yes!)

So, I go back to my drawing board, correct the what seems to others obvious and hope I don’t qualify for the oldest living author who’s been unpublished.


Hello world!

I’m starting a blog just for my writing.  It’s a little scary.  Since I’m just starting out, well, about 9 months ago, it will be a long journey.  I hope a journey with lots of joy of discovery. I welcome you to come along with me as I learn, grow, publish and try to order my thoughts.