Today I’d like to welcome author Timothy Bateson to my author interviews. Bateson is a writer who broke into the market in 2014, with three short stories being featured in Halloween and science-fiction anthologies. In 2016, Bateson self-published a re-release of “Under A Hunter’s Moon”, the first of a several stories set in the “Shadows Over Seattle” world, which he co-writes with his wife, Sandi. Bateson is also a blogger who often spotlights books and fellow indie authors, alongside his other interests, such as the Brain to Books Cyber Convention (HTTP://WWW.B2BCYCON.COM) events, falconry, journaling, quotes, and reading.
1. Let’s start with something fun. What’s your favorite hobby?
Oh dear, I can only pick one? Okay, I’d have to say falconry. I’ve been interested in birds of prey since I was allowed to skip school one day and visit the school my dad taught at instead. I think I was probably around 12 or 14 at the time.
I was already fascinated by owls, but getting up close to them, watching them fly, and being given the opportunity to handle a Barn Owl and Harris Hawk was amazing. From then on, I’ve taken every chance I can to expand my experience and to fly as many breeds of raptor as possible.
The highlight of my handling experiences must be the day I was given the honor of handling and flying eagles for the first time. You gain a lot of respect for these amazing creatures when a 10-pound Martial Eagle lands on your wrist, you take two steps backward, and get an appreciation for how an aircraft carrier must feel. And then you learn that each set of talons has the equivalent crushing power of an alligator jaw…
I challenge anyone not to be in awe at nature’s power and diversity.
2. If you had the opportunity—who would you like to spend an afternoon with and why?
Hmmm, this is a difficult choice. I think I’d take the opportunity to bring together all the indie authors that I’ve been working with in the last few years. I’ve met so many wonderful people through the online indie community that I’d love to see what kind of collaborations could come from getting so many creative people in one place.
3. Coffee, tea, soda or something else?
Coffee for the mornings, because I’m not even remotely human until that first cup of coffee is in my system. Iced Tea for pretty much the rest of the time, even though it surprised me when I found that I enjoyed cold tea, having grown up in England drinking hot tea.
4. What are you working on right now?
I’m currently working on editing several urban fantasy short stories, as well as trying to finish my first novel. I’m also in the process of promoting my latest release “Evaline Transcendent”, my first science fiction story.
Book Blurb:
Evaline is the shipboard computer on the Miranda Two, a colony ship destined for the planet Karman-III-Delta. She is possibly Earth’s last hope of establishing a working off-world colony. However, her predecessor stopped reporting home, so now she and the colonists must establish what happened to the previous colony.
The Miranda Two has been traveling for twenty years, and now it’s time for Evaline to wake the crew and colonists in preparation or arrival at their destination. Can Evaline and the crew figure out what happened to the Miranda One expedition, and what price will they have to pay for the answers?
Note From the Author: This is the second release of “Evaline Transcendent”, which originally appeared in the “Across the Karman Line” anthology. Since that release, I have revisited the story and expanded on some aspects, and rewritten others. At it’s core, this is exactly the same story but reimagined for a wide audience.
Originally standing at around 8,500 words, this new release boasts a word count of closer to 14,000. I hope that those of you who have read the original story will discover new aspects to it when reading this version. For those coming to it for the first time, enjoy!
Buying Link:
5. How would you describe your writing style?
I’ve never really tried to define my writing style, because no two projects are the same for me. My urban fantasy stories have been compared to the Underworld series, but I see shades of Jim Butcher in there too.
6. Do you have any advice for a person just beginning their writing career?
No matter what you write, edit happens!
I’m a great believer in letting the story flow as naturally as possible, and to keep writing and editing separate. This is an essential separation of tasks, because writing requires getting the ideas down on paper as quickly as possible without analyzing things too much. Editing is the process of taking what you’ve already written and fine tuning the details. Both writing and editing require very different skills and mindsets, so never attempt to do the two things at the same time.
This was a lesson I learned the hard way while trying to complete my first year on NaNoWriMo.
7. Do you immerse yourself in new situations for writing ideas or do your ideas come to you through your normal, day-to-day life?
I like to try and gain as many experiences as possible, because I think it makes us better rounded people. Do I use some of those to get ideas for writing? Sure, I think it’s hard not to, because no matter how hard you try there is always something of yourself, and your experiences in whatever you write. And that’s where they day-to-day experiences come in, because it’s the small details of everyday life that bring characters to life, and tie them to the people around them.
8. Where can we find you on the interwebs?
- Website:
- Blog:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Pinterest:
- Goodreads:
- Amazon:
I want to thank you, Tim, for stopping by today and telling us about yourself.
Gentle readers, hop on over to one of Tim’s links and introduce yourself. You’ll be glad you did!
Great interview, nice to meet you Tomothy.