It’s hard, letting a story go out into the world. You think you have a good story. You think you have all of the bases covered but no. Not only don’t you have them covered, you never heard of them before, or at least never thought of them as a problem.
You might think that I had a story rejected. It’s not as cool as that. I had a story torn to shreds on a writer’s site. It was done with courtesy and kindness and it was entirely right. It sucked, big time.
So, there is a new writers life. Not all million dollar royalties. No prize for best first novel of the year. (And an as aside, how the hell do they do that, best first novel of the year? Are they some kind of genius? Am I jealous? Hell yes!)
So, I go back to my drawing board, correct the what seems to others obvious and hope I don’t qualify for the oldest living author who’s been unpublished.