Flash Fiction Friday: Captain Blackfur

I did this as a writing exercise back in June. In reality, it’s not a complete story, more like a first chapter or even a vignette. But I thought you’d enjoy it. Let me know how you like it. I may turn it into a short story or even a novel if you all think it’s worth it.

Captain Blackfur

Captain Zaphod Blackfur extended a claw and pushed the recessed button on his command console to bring the ship to impulse power. He had only one item in his cargo bay, a four cubic foot box. He was curious about that box, after all, he was still carrying cat DNA, but not enough to go back there and look inside. That wouldn’t be worth his skin.

The control tower radioed. “Proceed at one quarter impulse power, Captain.”

He confirmed and brought the ship speed down. The sky city states were particular about traffic around them. That was understandable; it would be messy if one were hit. The mountain that was his destination appeared on his forward screen. He reduced speed again. Damn them for hiding the landing bay doors. As if it wasn’t hard enough to fly and land a ship.

A door in the side of the mountain opened and a tractor beam pulled him into the cavern. He didn’t like it but if he tried to fly in himself, they’d turn the on force field protecting the hidden city and his ship would splatter against it, falling to the forested mountainside in smoking pieces.

On the dock he was met by the owner of the box, a human male, six feet tall, hands tucked into the wide sleeves of his master scientist robes. His blue eyes drilled into Zaphod.

“Thank you for making this speed run, Captain.”

“My pleasure, Master Whin.” Zaphod knew better than to try and shake hands. Whin’s  intense stare made him wary. The man paid a lot of money for this run from Centauri, maybe he’s anxious. He handed the scientist his pad, “If you’ll just sign here, I’ll get your box for you.”

The scientist hesitated and Zaphod began to bristle. It was known that many humans were prejudiced against the mutant animals. But it was their own fault, spewing toxins and genetically modified material all over the planet. What did they expect would happen? Whin slowly removed his hand from his sleeve and took the pad. He pressed his thumb to the screen.

Zaphod made an effort to control the bristle down his back while taking the pad. “I’ll bring it right out.” He had loaded it on a maglift just inside the hatch, out of sight. He hovered the box through the access way and down the ramp. He was handing Whin the handle when the man’s chest exploded in a spray of red. Zaphod dived for cover as several creatures came running in his direction.

They were a mix of cats, dogs and a bear, all sentient like him. The bear pulled him out from behind some shipping crates. One of the dog persons seemed to be in charge.

“What were you doing? Do you know who you were giving this too?” The snarl on the dog’s face was primeval.

Zaphod shrugged. “I was delivering a box to Master Whin. Who are you?”

“Cody Rex, I’m with the Sentient Beings Coalition. Do you have any idea what is in this box?”

“You’re terrorists, making it harder on the rest of us.” Zaphod hissed, “And I don’t care what’s in the box. I was paid to pick it up and deliver it here. End of story.”

Cody nodded at the two cat persons. They nodded back and hustled the box away. The bear and the other dog picked up the body and disappeared around the bend of the dock. He turned back to Zaphod. “The box contains a virus that will alter the DNA of created beings. Turn us back into the dumb animals we once were.”

Zaphod felt his back arch in a primal reflex. He fought it. “That’s ridiculous. It’s against the law to discriminate against created beings.” He thought back to Whin’s reaction.  “Anyway,” he asked, “how do you know what is in the crate. It could be furniture.”

Cody sniffed. “We have spies, comrades in places of power.” He held his head up, sniffing again. “I have to go. Think about joining us, Zaphod Blackfur. We could use a ship’s captain.” He turned and ran down the dock, disappearing through a door.

Zaphod hustled up his ship’s ramp, closing the access way up tight. Security would be around any minute.  He ran to the bridge, thinking about Cody’s invitation and the sky city states. Each one was as human only as they could legally make them. Sure, he delivered to them, but his reception was always cool. He never stayed long. On the bridge the comm light was blinking. Sinking into his chair, he punched the button. “Captain Blackfur here, Control.”

“Captain Blackfur, sensors picked up what sounded like an explosion on the dock outside your ship.”

“I heard no explosion, Control.”

“Security will be there in three minutes.”

“Thank you, Control.” He clicked off. Great, they’ll check the DNA and know it’s Master Whin. He turned on the dock monitors. The security team was just arriving. A sergeant pointed one man to the blood on the deck. Others were directed to search the perimeter. He began to speak into a comm unit. Zaphod counted, three, two, one, and pointed at the signal light on the comm board. It popped on as he pointed.

“Captain Blackfur here.”

“Captain, patching Sergeant Urich through to you.”

Zaphod watched his monitor, a moment later, he had the sergeant.

“Captain Blackfur, this is Sergeant Urich. Did you see what happened out here?”

“Sorry, no, Sergeant Urich. Is something wrong?”

“There’s blood all over the dock, Captain.”

Zaphod watched the security officer stare at the ship. This one’s no dummy, Zaphod thought. He’s going to pull the video from the dock security cameras and see the whole thing.  “Sorry, Sergeant, I completed my business with my shipper and came back into the ship.”

He saw the Sergeant grimace. “Thank you for your time, Captain.”

Zaphod cut the connection. He’ll order that footage right away. I need to get out of here.

The End

999 Words

Find more of the Forward Motion Flash Friday Group here:http://www.fmwriters.com/flash.html

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