Newest News:
I’m working on formatting Creature in the Night for publishing on Kindle Unlimited. I’ve contacted a cover designer I know about getting an ebook cover done up. The cover is the thing that will take the longest to get done. I use Vellum, for those interested, to do my formatting and it hardly takes any time at all to do. Even less time than I usually take because I’m just doing an Amazon ebook, not trying to do a print version or cover any other sales site. Perhaps up by the end of the month for .99? Fun!
I’m still eating zucchini. I found a recipe for a summer squash casserole and we tried it last night. Delish. Hubby liked it too. This weekend the garden decided to ripen tomatoes. That’s my gathering basket with the morning’s pickings. Hope you’re luxuriating in your garden produce or have a chance to hit up your local farm stands and farmer’s markets for the best of the season.
I also have a few native Arizonan plants in my garden. One is a climbing plant. Beans. I’ve lost the packet so I don’t know the variety. I caught a picture, poor because a breeze was blowing. It has tiny purple bean flowers and cute little bean pods.
Dropped to about 212 this last week. This is my one month anniversary for the diet and I’ve lost 18 pounds. I’m settling into my eating pattern of green juice for breakfast and lunch with a paleo dinner in the evening. I actually like the green juice. I’ve always liked bitter greens and celery, so juicing them works very well for me. If you’re following along with me, yay for you. I hope it’s going well. Drop a comment below if you’d like to share your story!
Stay safe. Stay well.
The Summer giveaway has ended! I’ll be posting my winners as soon as the organizer gets them sorted out.
That means, the Halloween giveaway is going up! I’ll put the link up as soon as she gets it to me. You can check it out here: As always, each author is giving away at least 2 prizes and there’s a Paypal cash grand prize.
Where will I Be?
Pine Library, 6124 W. Randall Place, Pine AZ, Friends of the Library meeting is October 26th, at 1pm. If you happen to be in Pine, AZ, on that date, come on by. I’ll have some books available for purchase and signing.
Newsletter Sign Up:
Click here to sign up for my newsletter. I’ve put sign-up gifts on the regular and the SciFi/Fantasy and the Cozy Mystery newsletter sign-ups. That’s right. If you sign up for my newsletter you get a free story from me. Be prepared for fun and contests! Click on the video link for a short video from me. Hear what I’m working on. Join my “A” Team to be the first to read my books and hear what new books are coming. Don’t forget to follow my blog, too. Different material goes in the blog as in the newsletter. You can share both, so spread the word!
Newest Releases:
Gold Dreams released May 13th, 2019. It is up on Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, (Direct link doesn’t work, copy the URL and paste it into your browser, or go directly to and search for Gold Dreams, Connie Cockrell), and Smashwords. The print version is available on Amazon. You can also see all my books on If you’ve read any of my books, please drop a short, honest, review on the site where you bought it or on Goodreads or BookBub. Your review is critical to help me promote the books to other readers. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for reading my blog. Like all of the other work I do as an author, it takes time and money. If you enjoy this Monday blog and the Friday free story and the recipe I put up on the 25th of every month, consider donating to I appreciate any donation to help support this blog.