After the Fair

Starting on September 4th, I was fully engaged in the Northern Gila County Fair.  Luckily I wore my hiking boots because I’m pretty sure I put in many miles each day from the 4th until the 9th, walking, walking, walking.  

This was my first year as the VP Exhibits Tent.  Whew,  It’s like putting on a party for several thousand people and it’s a lot of work.  Most notable, I learned how to use and fuss with, swamp coolers.  Getting the water hooked up, getting the 3 coolers to work, learning how to keep them from flooding all over the tent floor, lots of fun!

The weather was wet and rainy the first day of the fair.  It was like being at the fair in Fulton-Montgomery County (the Fonda Fair!) in upstate New York.  Almost made me homesick.  Despite the rain, approximately 1200 elementary school kids came charging through the fair grounds, teachers gamely trying to keep their little charges in line and not touching the displays.  

Best of all, I finally had time to get to know the various Superintendents of each department.  Hobbies and Handicrafts, Canning, Baking, Fine Arts, Home Arts, Photography, Horticulture, Agriculture, Floriculture and unique to this state, the School Exhibits.  Such nice people and all of them wanting to make their Department’s exhibits the best they can be.  

We talked all weekend about our selves, our families, and most of all, how to make next year’s fair even better.  

I’m looking forward to working with them again!